

Dear listening friends ! … hope everything is going good on your side of your world !..and that you are doing the things that nurture your souls…and connection to living energy…

Today i present an album of exploration in dub navigating the cold,sparse yet somehow warm, serene, endlessly expansive views from my imaginary glacial plane.

Hear the cracks of the ice … the whisp of the wind … and take it all in…

Keep your creativity and imagination alive for the wonderous things in your world …

And thank you as always for your wonderful support and ongoing deep listening…



#sense #music #dubtechno #ambient


combination of these, makes me think, we need anarchy.


we could just get on with what we need to. instead, ever told no. held hostage by state terror, insidiously, most people never/rarely consider it so overtly. so much potential we could untap. so held to stop, and to backwards, when we could do what we need, embrace abundance and get on. madness of seeing experts obey idiots. madness of seeing mass obedience to idiots. no merit to merit, madness. such harmful conditioning normalised. oh to help minds awaken and engage. not sleep and obey the harmful detrimental diminutivising nonsensical orders of hierarchy and orthodoxy of corrupting power imbalances.

#clownplanet #anarchism #freedom #hierarchy #obedience #obey #force #power #powerimbalance #sense #nonsense #violence #terror #stateterror #corporateterror #hierarchyterror #anarchy #nohierarchy #conscientious #conscientiousdisobedience #goodsense


Dear avid listener friends,

Today i present to you my latest album , a collection of contemplative synth driven ambient pieces created over the last little while .. reflecting on the idea of the nature of inside/outisde..

The process has lead me to re evaluate how i view these two seemingly disparate states and spaces as being perhaps more connected than disconnected.. and perhaps as being symbiotic to each other rather than polar opposites..

The songs were lovingly crafted and nurtured in a way as to give them their own perception of what this inside/outside dichotomy really means ..

I hope you enjoy the music captured in this album .. and find your own interpretation of what this all means ..

fortunately ..
particularly ..
at this time ..
it's what's on the inside ..
that matters..

Thank you all for your ongoing support, love and deep listening..

@bandcamp #bandcamp #music #sense #ambient #healing #electronic #synthmusic #synthesisers #melodic #inside
