

Debian is going to drop support for all 32 bit computers in next release!


Debian preps ground to drop 32-bit x86 as separate edition
Bad news for several downstream distros, but good news for NetBSD

After a recent meetup in Cambridge, Debian developers are discussing how to start gradually dropping 32-bit x86 support.

One immediately visible result is a message entitled "Bits from the Release Team" on the debian-devel-announce mailing list, with significant news: The end of the line for Debian as a 32-bit distro is approaching. Note, though, this doesn't mean that 32-bit support is going away altogether. Not yet anyway.

The news is in a section titled "A future for the i386 architecture":

Insofar as they still do, we anticipate that the kernel, d-i and images teams will cease to support i386 in the near future.

So, this really sucks for a lot of other people and distros. Like it or not there's shitloads of 32 bit hardware around the planet. A lot of it is currently running! Sadly most of it is running Windows, still. Which is bad because it's so unsafe to keep old versions of Windows touching the internet. But much of it is kept both running and safe by having it run Debian, or a 32 bit distro based on Debian. For any old hardware most peoples go-to distro is Debian. Nobody else is supporting old hardware like Debian is. Plus if someone want's to make their own spin on a distro for old hardware they pretty much always used Debian as a base for it, so there's a lot of distros out there that are gonna die because of this. Like for example #antix #mxlinux #bunsenlabs #slax #peppermintos so this sucks bad.

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