Alain Robert, known as the "French Spiderman," is a legendary figure in the world of urban climbing. Born on August 7, 1962, in Digoin, France, he is renowned for his daring, free solo ascents of some of the world's tallest skyscrapers and urban structures, all without the aid of ropes or safety harnesses. This extreme practice, while extraordinary, is also illegal in many instances, but that has never deterred Robert from pursuing his passion for climbing. #weird #spiderman #incredible #climbing https://activite-paranormale.net/news/read/19104/alain-robert-the-french-spiderman
action figure...
#actionfigure #spiderman #picard #startrek #starwars #battlestargalactica #gandalf #lordoftherings #dc #mashup
Vater der Superhelden: Stan Lee wäre 100 Jahre alt | DW | 27.12.2022
Er beherrschte die Comicwelt, schuf Heroen wie Spiderman, Hulk oder Black Panther und baute das Comic-Imperium Marvel auf: Stan Lee zum 100. Geburtstag.#StanLee #Marvel #Spiderman #Hulk #BlackPanther #Comic
Vater der Superhelden: Stan Lee wäre 100 Jahre alt | DW | 27.12.2022
Have I told you guys that I'm a huge fan of #Spiderman?! :-D
#Spinne #Spider #Hauswinkelspinne #European-House-Spider #Natur #Nature #Garten #Photo #MyPhoto
I forgot that this ever existed. What a lot of fun! And relevant too!
#TheRamones #music #punk #SpiderMan
Zendaya at the Venice Film Festival
#Zendaya #spiderman https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a37480826/zendaya-dresses-venice-film-festival-2021/
● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ #Sony Takes Down Leaked Unfinished #SpiderMan Trailer, Releases Finished One Days Later https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20210824/10075847422/sony-takes-down-leaked-unfinished-spider-man-trailer-releases-finished-one-days-later.shtml