

Follow up question for #Linux with #systemd, can I somehow make sure sshd starts earlier during the boot.
It seem the machine has network up, at least I can ping its IP, but sshd is not running yet? I am not sure what is going on exactly as I can not access the computer for now.


systemd: show all kernel messages on console

Add these the following to your kernel bootargs in your bootloader configuration (u-boot, grub, or whatever) to ensure all kernel messages (even debug level) get displayed on your console. The one about forwarding is probably not needed, but this works well enough for me.

ignore_loglevel systemd.journald.forward_to_console=1 systemd.log_target=console systemd.show_status=false

#kernel #bootargs #systemd


keepass@fedora: Passworte im Klartext im journal

Öhm, hallo #Fedora - könntet Ihr eventuell bitte aufhören, beim Copy-To-Clipboard von #keepass meine Passwörter via #systemd im Klartext in die Logs zu schreiben!?!

Nicht nur, dass sie dort jetzt lokal liegen. Das #Journal wird selbstverständlich auch gesichert und liegt langfristig im #Backup. Das ist zwar praktisch, aber doch auch irgendwie unschön.




Dear #systemd

Your #network.target is not started if it is still waiting for #IPv6 DAD.
Please do not attempt to start any service wanting network.target before all configured addresses are actually available.

I admit, I didn't imagine the depth of the obviously fractal nonsense that is systemd and "the way to go booting Linux".

#rant #ipv6-dad