

When I finally figure out what was wrong, I always feel really stupid. It appears, as often is the case, the solution was really simple once I knew what the problem actually was.

Fighting a CI pipeline that didn't provide any useful feedback, and that I wasn't able to replicate locally made the whole experience rather frustrating.

But in the end — after probing it repeatedly with slightly different configurations, and sneaky ways to try to get any useful logs out of it — the problem was of course on my end.

Don't include the id column when preloading test data into the database.

Can't remember why I included the id column in the first place, but it caused me much pondering. Even stranger was that it worked perfectly fine in my local dev/test setup.

At least the CI setup has become a lot more robust, and I've added a lot more logging to the test runs, so it should hopefully be easier to track down next time something mysteriously doesn't work.

#mywork #developerlife #ci #testing #hubzilla-dev


Fnirsi FNB58 USB Fast Charge Tester Review

A rectangular USB device with a large display showing voltage, Amps, PBUS Watts, NRG stats, triggering and more technical information.
Recalling my recent post about USB sticks not delivering the stated storage sizes, this tester looks pretty interesting for testing USB fast chargers. There are supposedly similar issues around USB fast chargers that chronically overheat and are not up to spec.

Most USB charger testers are just voltage and current measurers, but this device goes way beyond that. Not only does it test for the various USB-C charging modes, ripple and noise testing, eMarker detection, and lots more.

The device claims the ability to monitor 4-28V, 0-7A, 0-120W and can integrate capacity/consumption. Resolution is claimed to be 10uV/uA/uW. It supports USB-A, micro-B and type-C connections.

It also has PC and Android apps to obtain more advanced views.

I see many people complaining they don’t get full speed charges, or a device is not starting properly, and it is mostly due to the USB-C power output not being sufficient. With a device like this it is a lot easier to diagnose whether it is the charger or the cable at fault (an incorrect USB-C cable will negate advanced USB-C charging or power delivery).

See https://goughlui.com/2023/04/29/review-tested-fnirsi-fnb58-usb-fast-charge-tester/
#Blog, #technology, #testing, #USBchargers


The #CorbettReport | #Testing and #Filtering Your #Water - #SolutionsWatch | May 2, 2023

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XmKIvr2OOlz6

If you're a regular #Corbett Reporteer, then by now you're aware of the #danger to #human #health caused by water fluoridation. But are you aware of the chlorine and other potentially toxic and carcinogenic substances in your tap water? And are you aware of your options for filtering your water and how to test to make sure you're getting all of the particulates out? Join James today as he talks to a water expert and answers some basic questions about testing and filtering your water.