

der analoge mann probiert ...
... nachdem der gestrige Testaufbau in einer mentalen Katastrophe endete, hat der analoge mann sich heute erst einmal um die Grundierung mit Lyra8, Mikrofon und Effekten gekümmert ... und siehe da, die Katastrophe Nummer 2 wurde abgewendet. Weitere Ideen liegen auch schon auf dem Tisch ... nur noch die große Frage: Mit oder ohne Beats?
Fortsetzung folgt (eventuellvielleicht) ...

#deranalogemann #noisefest #2 #noise #drone #industrial #konzert #probe


I backscanned through the facebook feed of the #alien #probe who is claiming to have gone to High School with me, and she does in fact, in a caption claim to have graduated the same year as me. And she is not in a single picture in my #yearbook. NOT ONE. Who is this "#person"? All of her pictures look like extremely realistic cardboard cutouts. I have a weird feeling she might be a #military #project or something.


There is this one person on my #facebook #friend list who I think is a #fiction. She has pictures of herself in first, second and third grade… those collection shots they did of kids in the sixties through the eighties (and probably later). And she is right there. In one of them she is right next to me. She has middle school and high school photos. She "went" to my High School. There she is. There is her #yearbook #photo right in alphabetical order. I know whole gobs of other people. I know everyone in the elementary school photos. But I have zero memory of her. Nothing. And I think I would remember her. She comments on things I post from time to time as if she remembers me. And I can't believe it. I don't have any idea who this person was or is. And her photos all look generated somehow. She always has a blandly pleasant look on her face and she is looking directly at the camera.

I think she must be an #alien #observation #drone who is trying to insert herself into my memories. She must be some grad students bizarre experiment. She just doesn't look like a real person. Even her cats don't look like real cats. They look like #robot #cats.

Oh well, there's nothing to be done. It's not like I can post to her wall, "Pardon me, I have no memory of you, are you an #alien #probe, by chance?


NASA's Parker #probe has officially “touched” the #sun, plunging through the unexplored #solar atmosphere known as the #corona.

Icarus, eat your heart out.

The Parker solar probe actually flew through the corona in April during the spacecraft’s eighth close approach to the sun. Scientists said it took a few months to get the data back and then several more months to confirm.

Because the sun lacks a solid surface, the corona is where the action is; exploring this magnetically intense region up close can help scientists better understand solar outbursts that can interfere with life here on Earth.

#NASA #space #science


Süßes oder Saures

Der Schimpanse sitzt zwar noch nicht an der Bar, aber er setzte sich mal vor den JOD'schen Musiklaptot und machte eine Probe musikalischer und technischer Art ... und siehe da, er hatte seine Freude und es kam Musik. Der Mix immer noch schön quer durch die Notenlandschaft und der Laptot hielt was er versprach. Allerdings findet er es ziemlich albern, sich alleine in der Butze hinzusetzen und Übergänge zu üben. Deshalb gab er nach zwei Liedern den Automaten die Aufgabe und setzte nur noch die musikalischen Highlights. Wunderbar ... einen Teil davon gibt es bald auf Mixcloud. Warum nur einen Teil? Weil er erst mitten im Set auf die Idee kam, mal die schnöde Aufnahmetaste mit gleichnamiger Funktion auszuprobieren.
Grundgütiger, was für ein Zeugs ...

Die Lieder:
Oliver Cherer - Days On End
The Leaf Library - Agnes In The Square
Public Service Broadcasting - Blue Heaven
WEAREOFF - Among The Young & Beautiful Ones
Son Lux - Last Light
Boundaries - Harness
THE BEATLES - If I Needed Someone
Glen Johnson - Alexandria
Adrian Borland - All the words
Richard Hawley - Coles Corner
Die Strafe - Vegetation Grock
Rome - To Die Among Strangers
Colin Newman - Order For Order
New Order - Thieves Like Us
Get Synchronized - quasar
The Royal Family and the Poor - Discipline
Cabaret Voltaire - Do the Mussolini (Headkick!)
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - La femme accident
Mr. Rossi - sucht das Glück

Lust auf mehr?
Auch mal hören?
Ich würde ja am 1. November nicht arbeiten gehen ...

#DJ #Musik #Lieder #Auflegen #Probe #Zeugs #