

US Railroad Workers ‘Under the Thumb’


'This past week both the administration and Congress have made a #railroad #strike #illegal by passing legislation to that effect. Railroad workers in the US have always been a target of government #strike-prevention. The RailwayLaborAct in 1926 set the pattern that was taken up for the rest of the US labor-force with Taft-Hartley in 1947 and all #anti-strike measures that followed.

The current 2022 railroad negotiations and government intervention is but the latest example of joint corporate-government intervention in labor negotiations designed to #prevent-workers-from-striking.' We are in a period when the US ruling elites are willing to attack any challenge to their hegemony and power #domestically, as well as internationally. The government’s recent intervention to #deny #railroad #workers #the-right-to-strike is but the latest and most visible expression of the elites’ #class-war-policy-at-home.'

#under-the-thumb #unions #biden #govt #capitalism #us #administration #congress #railroad #strike #illegal #workers #strike-prevention #labor-force #taft-hartley #railroadlaboract #corporate-government #intervention #negotiations #ruling-elites #class-war