

Texas 'Death Star Bill' could leave construction workers 'fatigued, disoriented, dehydrated': report

Hm, a day without nonstop #TrumpVirus coverage.

Good #news, too, like UNION workers now working hard to re-open the I-95 transportation artery within 2 weeks!

Biden visited the I95 road collapse site and roundly praised the hard working union members working around the clock. (with pay)
Meanwhile, some states move to allow children into dangerous and long-illegal work situations, and Abbott....

OMG, whenever one needs proof of how low, how mean, and how fascist a governor &/or cult/'party can get.... just go to the #Abbott / #DeathSantis competition for for most vile and fascism-inclined governor wannabe-me-more...

"Contrast and Compare"

#GQP #TrumpVirus #retrogrades #democracy #unions #labor #Abbott #DeathSantis #I95 #Biden #ContrastAndCompare


Dr Cornel West Announces He's Running For President in 2024


Some key policy points i wrote down while listening:
* Abolitionism of #poverty and #homelessness
* Strong support for trade #unions
* #Medicare for all
* Indictment of #greed from the 1%
* #Decentralization
* End of mass incarceration
* Transformation of priorities from foreign #wars to helping poor people

#CornelWest #CornelWest24 #RussellBrand


Mohsen Habibi, the spoke person for the Iranian Teachers association - Tehran branch was captured by IRI police

They violently entered their home and took him out wile verbally and physically abusing him in front of his family.

Habibi has been one of the prominent voices against the actions of the IRI in regards to recent chemical attacks against schools in Iran and the rights of teachers in general.

There has been no reports from the government side about the reason behind his capture.
#Iran #Politics #Unions #TeachersUnion #Freedom #HumanRights
محمد حبیبی بازداشت شد

دقایقی پیش #محمد_حبیبی سخنگوی کانون صنفی معلمان ایران(تهران) در منزل بازداشت شد.

چهار نفر نیروی امنیتی که خود را از اطلاعات غرب تهران معرفی کردند؛ با حمله به منزل شخصی این معلم و فحاشی رکیک به محمد حبیبی و همسرش؛ او را بازداشت کردند.


The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Kshama Sawant


The Democrats and Republicans both answer to the billionaires, that’s why #working #people keep getting screwed, she says. Even so-called #progressives in #Congress, she notes, have completely failed to fight against the #establishment, and offer no #solutions. #Sawant in her decade as a member of the #Seattle-city-council has an impressive track record. She helped win a $ #15-minimum-wage for #Seattle #workers, pushed the council to #tax #Amazon, and championed #renter #protection as the #Chair-of-the-Renters-and-Sustainability-Committee. She joined the #Socialist-Alternative-party in 2006.

#chrishedges #kshamasawant #podcast #interview #workers-strike-back #labor #unions #organization #movement #strikes


France’s eight major trade unions united for the first time in 12 years to combat government proposals to raise the retirement age to 64.

Schools closed and transport systems were thrown into chaos on Jan. 19 after France’s eight major unions joined forces to call a multisector strike against President Emanuel Macron’s proposed pension reforms. The unions and left-wing political parties are calling for the immediate withdrawal of the reforms, which would raise France’s retirement age from 62 to 64. This video is part of a special Workers of the World series on the cost of living crisis in Europe.
#France #GeneralStrike #Unions #Politics #Macron #Retirement #Activism #Europe
