

US Railroad Workers ‘Under the Thumb’


'This past week both the administration and Congress have made a #railroad #strike #illegal by passing legislation to that effect. Railroad workers in the US have always been a target of government #strike-prevention. The RailwayLaborAct in 1926 set the pattern that was taken up for the rest of the US labor-force with Taft-Hartley in 1947 and all #anti-strike measures that followed.

The current 2022 railroad negotiations and government intervention is but the latest example of joint corporate-government intervention in labor negotiations designed to #prevent-workers-from-striking.' We are in a period when the US ruling elites are willing to attack any challenge to their hegemony and power #domestically, as well as internationally. The government’s recent intervention to #deny #railroad #workers #the-right-to-strike is but the latest and most visible expression of the elites’ #class-war-policy-at-home.'

#under-the-thumb #unions #biden #govt #capitalism #us #administration #congress #railroad #strike #illegal #workers #strike-prevention #labor-force #taft-hartley #railroadlaboract #corporate-government #intervention #negotiations #ruling-elites #class-war


Das Märchen vom Aufstieg

Das Märchen vom Aufstieg


Deutschland – eine klassenlose Gesellschaft, in der alle im gleichen Boot sitzen. Dieses Märchen hat sich lang gehalten. Doch, wenn es überhaupt jemals eine Zeit ohne Klassen gegeben hat in diesem Land, ist sie lang vorbei.

Von dort ist es kein weiter Weg zur Spaltung der Gesellschaft. Um das zu verhindern bedarf es einer riesen Kraftanstrengung der Politik. Leider ist dort noch wenig zu sehen.



#music #class-war

Originally posted at: https://word.undead-network.de/2022/08/12/das-maerchen-vom-aufstieg/


#Nestor-Makhno #Makhno #paysan #Ukraine #urss (pouwa)

#movies #vidéo #anarchisme #russie #Ukraine #urss (pouwa)

Nestor Makhno Paysan d’Ukraine ~ Nestor Makhno Peasant from Ukraine (1996) (EN, NL subtitles)

#révolution #nestormakhno, #makhnovshchina, #blackaArmy, #toilers, #peasant, #anarchist,# ukraine, #ukrainian #anarchists, #oekraïne, #makhnovia, #free-territory, #platformism, #peasant-revolt, #revolution, #anarchism, #anarchists, #anarchisme, #state-capitalism, #class-war, #insurrection, #expropriation, #mosfilm, #october-revolution, #voline, #arshinov, #helene-chatelain, #moscow, #russia, #feudalism, #oviet-union, #bolsheviks, #bolshevism, "lenin, t#rotsky, "propaganda, #arte, "francisco-ferrer

English; French; Dutch …

je suis français et j'ai vu ce film documentaire en 1995 ou 96 ou ? rue des Vignoles au local de la CNT-Fr (AIT) avec hélène Chatelain puis sur la chaine Arte
j'aimerais parler avec vous (Russe, UIkrainien ou / et ....)


Я француз, и я видел этот документальный фильм в 1995 или 96 или ? на улице Виньоль в местном CNT-Fr (AIT) с Элен Шателен, затем на канале Arte.
Я хотел бы поговорить с вами (русский, украинский или / и ....)