

Salween Peace Park: for all living things


Karen territories boast fertile soil, where the ‘Ku’ shifting cultivation system is used to grow vegetables and other foods rotationally, allowing nature to recover. The rivers of our Karen territories, including the Salween, provide a means of reliable transport and trade, as well as a rich source of fish. Our people forage for wild foods like bamboo shoots, banana fruits and flowers, honey, mushrooms, and edible ferns in verdant forests.

#nature #environment #land #river #Salween #Karen #SalweenPeacePark #Indigenous #peoples #Myanmar #protection #preservation #protection #theecologist


A forgotten classic of agroecological science


The agro-chemical industry definitely does not want a new agricultural revolution. And perhaps society at large, at least in western World, has been encouraged to agree. After all, revolutions are equated with uncertainty, and uncertainty can be scary for those enjoying relative comfort.

But at this moment in history, with chemically intensive agriculture wreaking havoc on life-giving soils, polluting land, water and our shared atmosphere, plunging farmers into crippling debt, we cannot afford to take half measures or hope for silver bullet solutions to arrive unbidden where they have failed before.

#food #food-growing #agroecology #HealthyCrops #FrancisChabboussou #TheEcologist