Large M7.6 #Earthquake at Tonga North of New Zealand -- Watch area struck
May 10, 2023
The warned area North of #NewZealand was told to watch for up to M7.5 range earthquake activity this past week, the locations warned were from #Tonga South past Fiji to the Kermedecs (North of New Zealand).
Today the expected M7.5-M7.6 earthquake struck North of New Zealand, North of the Kermedecs, North of Fiji, near Tonga on the Northeast tip of the Indo-Australian plate boundary.
Additionally, a spread of activity reached the East coast of the USA (East of Virginia out by Bermuda), and up to Maine / New Brunswick Canada on the far Northeast coast of the USA.
No M5.5 has struck California yet near Eureka, also NO M5.0 range in Texas yet .
Still watching North of Japan (Hokkaido to Kamchatka) for a similar sized M7.5 or M7 range quake (has not struck yet)."