

seltsam seltsam... heute saß plötzlich dieses Tier auf meinem Akubra.Weiß vlt jemand welches Tier das ist... wahrlich seltsame Begebenheit.

strange strange... today this animal suddenly sat on my Akubra Does anyone know which animal it is... a truly strange occurrence.

also dunno why on the pic the hat seems to be transparent... oh my :D

#ya #animal #hat#Tier #photo


#Diadvent22, #Diadvent2022 #Adventskalender, #Adventskalender2022 #snailsmas #snailsmas22 #myworkt #composing #game #snail #hat

mein hut, der hat hat drei schnecken...

the children's song "mein hut, der hat hat drei ecken" (my hat, it has three corners) inspired me ;)
in german language ecken rhymes with schnecken and so this nonsense was born: mein hut, der hat hat drei schnecken (my hat, it has three snails)

ohrwurm-warnung für @(: aNNa :) blume



Probably the smallest internet radio station in North East England - broadcasting from Sunderland to the Universe

Programme #247 first issued : 15 May 2022 ::::: Playing 24/7 all week

_Time for another programme of longer tracks....

The City Wears A Slouch Hat was a 1942 radio play collaboration between writer Kenneth Patchen and John Cage - a surreal story in 1940s radio drama style.

Replacing the usual radio drama sound effects is a percussion ensemble, led by Cage, which punctuates the dialogue throughout - along with muted gongs, tin can xylophones and marimbas are an assortment of electronic gadgets and recorded sounds.

Supported by Nick Cave's dark tale of a mass shooting in a bar._

1 : Frank Zappa - Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance

2 : Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - O'Malley's Bar

3 : Kenneth Patchen / John Cage - The City Wears A Slouch Hat

Listen RIGHT NOW ! at : https://radiofrankensteininternational.weebly.com/

Shows are downloadable.

Want to carry the show on your station ? Contact via the above website....

Also available via Gingerfeather FM (Lancaster, England) online every day at 05:00, 11:00 and 21:00 UK time.

#radio #radioshow #internetradio #onlineradio #music #musique #musik #música #muziek #Музыка #音楽 #音乐
#experimental #johncage #frankzappa #nickcave #city #hat