

Consequences of Roe v. Wade overturn

The expected reversal of Roe v. Wade will trigger the most significant and far reaching challenge to Big Tech Trust & Safety policies in the history of the Internet. Anti-choice states will demand access to search and location data. And that's only the beginning.

Internet security should not be taken for granted. We already know that data-collectors sell these information to one who pays the most and buying such data is easy even for a normal citizen. The fact that these data can end up in the hands of dangerous people who will give you death sentence is frightening.

This is a time for reconsideration of our safety and privacy practices as well as a demand for more strict regulations on people's privacy-related matters on internet.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, states should pass laws on people's privacy to protect people from being recognized as someone who did or aided an abortion. Every humane legislator should fight this law and pass other laws that will practically make this overturn ineffective.

Human privacy was always essential to freedom and security but these are the times we should take it more seriously. Every major player in the field should now act upon the matter and spread the information about the consequences of this overturn for our privacy and the consequences of privacy-violation for this overturn and our lives.

This is a great example for us and everybody to see how privacy is essential for us and is far more serious than what anyone could think. Privacy is a matter of human right and it should be respected as one of the most important of our rights whatsoever.

#society #userfreedom


The University of Costumed Heroes is an animated video telling the story of a group of heroes falling prey to the powers of proprietary software in education

Beware of supposedly “free” proprietary software offered to educational institutions.
We must reverse the trend of forsaking young people’s freedom, which has been accelerating as corporations try to capitalize on the need to establish new remote education practices. Free software not only protects the freedoms of your child or grandchild by allowing people to study the source code for any malicious functionalities, it also communicates important values like autonomy, sharing, social responsibility, and collaboration.

See The University of Costumed Heroes: A video from the FSF — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software

#technology #FOSS #education #proprietary #FSF


People around the world are realizing their responsibility to stand for user freedom against technological injustice. Now is the time to help each other move forward to full software freedom. Without free (as in freedom) software, we cannot and will not have a free society. Your membership will help us pave a way to #UserFreedom. Join us today for…

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