

Emoji in #vim einfügen:

Im Append-Mode ^x^u und dann das/die gewünschte(n) Emoji(s) auswählen


Jetzt nur noch Umwandeln, der Befehl ist super easy:
%s/:\([^:]\+\):/\=emoji#for(submatch(1), submatch(0))/g


Was ist schon ein sprechender 🐸 dagegen? ;-)


Vim vs Nano: Which Of These Popular Text Editors Should You Choose?

We need to utilize the text editor to take notes, write a program, or edit a system configuration file to get something done. Your Linux distribution already comes pre-installed with text editors, no matter the requirements.

You will most likely notice some of the best modern text editors like Gedit, Geany, Kate, etc., pre-installed in your Linux distribution. However, these are all GUI-based programs.

What if you want to access a text editor through the terminal? For example, for remotely editing text or config files on a server. You should also find it built-in to your Linux distribution.

The article explains some differences between these two popular text editors. Most Linux users fall into either a Vim camp, or a Nano camp, and the article will probably help make the reason a bit clearer.

See https://itsfoss.com/vim-vs-nano/

#technology #opensource #linux #texteditor #vim #nano
#Blog, ##linux, ##nano, ##opensource, ##technology, ##texteditor, ##vim


how to use vim's build in history (re run re play commands) by line number


<span style="color: #00ffff;">
echo "com -nargs=1 HI exe histget('c', )" >> ~/.vimrc</span>

then start vim and type to show the history (commands last typed):

<span style="color: #00ffff;">:history</span>
# or short
<span style="color: #00ffff;">:his

now to re run the command #LineNumber 29, type:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">:HI 29

<a href="https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/how-to-use-vims-build-in-history-re-run-re-play-commands-by-line-number_2.jpg"><img alt="" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-25261" height="265" src="https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/how-to-use-vims-build-in-history-re-run-re-play-commands-by-line-number_2.jpg" width="500"></img></a>

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #vim #howto #gnu-linux

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/02/09/how-to-use-vims-build-in-history-re-run-re-play-commands-by-line-number/


NeoVim — лучший редактор кода

Учи Python тут: https://go.pyth.club/python-d444ae

Промокод на скидку 20% BTRIANGLE

Мой конфиг и прочие ссылки: https://t.me/black_triangle_tg/2009

"Спасти мир" и поддержать канал можно тутЬ:

DonatePay: https://new.donatepay.ru/@triangle

Анонимно криптовалютами: https://notabug.org/Black_Triangle/safe_world


https://t.me/aliexpress_hacker - хакерское с AliExpress

https://t.me/komp_ali - компьютерное барахло с Ali

https://t.me/hi_anon - личный блог

https://t.me/open_source_friend - интересный софт


#Vim #NeoVim #GNU

NeoVim — лучший редактор кода

#lang_ru #ru #чёрныйтреугольник #blacktriangle #чёрный_треугольник