

The Tonga volcanic shockwave has been detected by a bunch of folks on Mastodon

There are people who've been monitoring barometric (atmospheric) pressure, several in Germany, elsewhere in Europe, and the US, who've recorded the pressure wave as the Tonga shockwave passed over their location.

By noting location and time, they're able to calculate the speed of the wave as well.

The boom itself was audibly detectable as far away as New Zealand, Australia, and Alaska!


#Tonga #Mastodon #Volcanos #Shockwaves #Geology #Meterology


Scientists Find Sharks Living Inside Active Underwater Volcano

Kavachi is active, and eruptions are common. But the sharks are not scared off by the underwater explosions or submarine boiling lava. It is theorized this may be due to special pores near their snouts, called ampullae of Lorenzini, which scientists believe allow them to sense changes in Earth’s magnetic field. Sharks use the information for homing and migration, and may also use them to avoid dangerous situations.

#sharks #volcanos #Kavachi