

Today I had to give two different presentations in two entirely different places, neither of which had an #HDMI connection, which is the only #video output I have on my #laptop. Both still had #VGA, which is pretty ancient these days. Luckily, a few years ago, I bought an HMDI-to-VGA #adaptor but initially I had difficulty with using it, perhaps because of lack of full support in #KDE. Colours were sometimes different or flashed or gave some odd artefacts on the projected image. Happily, now things have been sorted out and everything worked really well. I was also using an extra #touchscreen and an #HDMI duplicator to send the signal to two outputs at once. Thanks to all the #FreeSoftware hackers who made this possible.

#GNU #Linux #X11 #Xorg


Connaissez-vous lightsOn ?

Il s’agit d’un programme (licence #GPL 2+) pour X.org qui permet d’empêcher que votre économiseur d’écran ne s’active ou que votre écran ne se mette en veille alors que vous êtes en train de regarder une vidéo en plein écran.

Un paquet #Guix peut être trouvé ici.

Je viens de le modifier légèrement afin qu’il s’applique à n’importe quelle application en plein écran. Ma version peut être trouvée ici.

Est-ce que vous connaissez une solution alternative pour le même besoin ?

#lightsOn #fullscreen #script #bash #XOrg #DPMS #screensaver #ll #foss