I wanted something that is related to the german cake called "Bienenstich". So I tried something new... I think the result came out quite well. :D

Happy Bee Cake

for a small cake pan


  • 5-6 tblsp coconutflakes, freshly ground

Press the dough directly into a flat form lined with foil and let it set in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.


  • 2 bananas, ripened with dark spots
  • 4 tblsp coconut cream
  • juice of a lemon or lime
  • 1 tblsp (or more) Agave or any other natural sweetener
  • 1 pckg Agar powder (read the instructions, stir it in 150 ml water and let it simmer for about 2 min)

quickly mix everything together and pour it onto the prepared crust.
Put it in the refrigerator for ca. 30 minutes again.


  • 4-5 tblsp sliced almonds
  • 2 tblsp brown sugar

Fry the almonds in a pan for a few minutes until they turn into a slightly brown color. Add the sugar and stir it under the almonds. When the sugar is melted spread the topping on the cake. Put it back into the refrigator for an hour.

Enjoy! :-)

#vegan #cake #veggie #baking

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