

Baked my first sugar free cake today.

Used a silicone form and it turned out pretty good.

Doesn't taste as good as the ones with sugar, but better than nothing. Was a long time ago I had a cake.

#Baking "Sugar free #Cake


Am 6.1.2024 am Heilige Drei Könige Tag 🌟👑👑👑

  • Die Sternsinger, Kinder die den Stern Tragen und Spenden sammeln für arme Menschen in der Welt.
  • Drei-Königs-Kuchen nach Großmutter Art. In Westfalen ist das kein gesetzlicher Feiertag, aber doch sehr wichtig. Morgen erfahren wir in der Kirche bei der Hochmesse, wieviel Geld Kinder in unserem kleinen Stadt in zwei langen, nassen und kaltenTagen zusammen gesammelt haben. 😊👍🍀🍀🍀

#Feiertag #Kinder #Sternsinger#DreiKönige #Kuchen #Königskuchen #meineFotos #mywork #Holiday #Children #ThreeKings #Cake #Kingscake #myphotos #starsinger


Further down the day. Late lunch break, and a short walk down the road, to open mind for fresh air and some new points of view. Literally. Unsure to say whether time passes more quickly being booked for meetings or being submerged in actual tasks at hand. The model doesn't know, either, but that doesn't probably mean much. More coffee and cake, as a short-term act of self-care - deserved or not. Watching the birds, listening to the construction site next door, wondering whether to wait for sun.

#outerworld #office_hours #lunch_break_musings #cake_and_air

#office hours #lunch break musings #cake and air