Scott Ritter on the fall of the US empire

The United States isn't just facing defeat against the Houthis in Yemen. [...] Looks like we're withdrawing from Syria. And it looks like we're going to withdraw from Iraq. It's over! The American experiment is finished.


[NATO's Steadfast Defender] is a joke. This exercise is actually underscoring how weak and pathetic NATO is.


America, the empire, has run it's course. And i hope we find a way to peacefully retrograde back to our soil, and begin looking to heal ourselves here in America, and spend that money where it needs to be spent.


We've lost Garland, we've lost. [...] Anything we touch gets diseased and dies. I hope to God that the Taiwanese are looking at this saying "don't touch us, don't touch us, we don't want any of this"


NATO is finished. It's over for NATO. It may last another ten years, but NATO has killed itself, because it cannot afford what it wants to be, even though there is no need for it to be that. Russia is not going to attack NATO. It just isn't in the works.


#UnitedStates #empire #imperialism #NATO #ScottRitter