

The Twilight of the British Empire archiveorg
British Intelligence and Counter-Subversion in the Middle East, 1948–63 (2017)
Chikara Hashimoto
This book reveals, for the first time, a hitherto unexplored dimension of Britain’s engagement with the post-war Middle East: the counter-subversive policies and measures conducted by the British Intelligence and Security Services and he Information Research Department (IRD) of the Foreign Office, Britain’s secret propaganda apparatus.
#book #uk #me #middleeast #empire #intelligence #countersubversion #history #chikarahashimoto


100 years ago natives were given the right to become automatically citizens of the empire!!!

While the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution defines a citizen as any persons born in the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, the amendment had previously been interpreted by the courts not to apply to Native peoples. — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Citizenship_Act

#usa #history #empire #indians #firstnations


Michael Parenti on the ruling class' concern with our thinking/perceptions

"But they don’t care about what we think. They turn a deaf ear to us," some people complain. That is not true. They care very much about what you think. In fact, that is the only thing about you that holds their attention and concern. They don’t care if you go hungry, unemployed, sick, or homeless. But they do care when you are beginning to entertain resistant democratic #thoughts. They get nervous when you discard your #liberal complaints and adopt a #radical analysis. They do care that you are catching on as to what the motives and functions of the national security state and the US global empire are all about at home and in so many corners of the world. They get furiously concerned when you and millions like you are rejecting the pap that is served up by corporate #media and establishment leaders.

By controlling our #perceptions, they control our society; they control public #opinion and public #discourse. And they limit the range and impact of our political #consciousness. The plutocrats know that their power comes from their ability to control our empowering responses. They know they can live at the apex of the social pyramid only as long as they can keep us in line at the pyramid’s base. Who pays for all their wars? We do. Who fights these #wars? We do or our low-income loved ones do. If we refuse to be led around on a super-patriotic, fear-ridden leash and if we come to our own decisions and act upon them more and more as our ranks grow, then the ruling profiteers’ power shrinks and can even unwind and crash—as has happened with dynasties and monarchies of previous #epochs.

We need to strive in every way possible for the revolutionary unraveling, a #revolution of organized #consciousness striking at the #empire’s heart with full force when #democracy is in the streets and mobilized for the kind of irresistible upsurge that seems to come from nowhere yet is sometimes able to carry everything before it.

There is nothing sacred about the existing system. All economic and political #institutions are contrivances that should serve the interests of the #people. When they fail to do so, they should be replaced by something more responsive, more just, and more democratic.

--- Michael Parenti, in his book Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies (highlights added by me)

#MichaelParenti #capitialism #oligarchy #RulingClass


Macron l'Américain, la France livrée aux Gafam ?

Off Investigation | 26 avr. 2024

2 américains et demi en 17 ans, et le cauchemar américain est là, bien inséré, lui.


c'est toujours pire de regarder derrière, les choses nous pete à la gueule, pour ceux qui sont immergé par les médias tv, quelle médiocrité cette télé, et dire que... ho merde après tout - 2017 - Le Pixel Mort

Macron face à Poutine | Damien Gillard, Antoine Donneaux & Isabelle Hauben | Le Grand Cactus 151

#politique #reportage #docu #macronLamerloc #corruption #NapoMacron #capitalisme #empire #neo-con #occident #peuple-sans-voix


How Britain stole $45 trillion from India

And lied about it.

There is a story that is commonly told in #Britain that the colonisation of #India – as horrible as it may have been – was not of any major #economic benefit to Britain itself. If anything, the administration of India was a cost to Britain. So the fact that the #empire was sustained for so long – the story goes – was a gesture of Britain’s benevolence.

New research by the renowned economist Utsa Patnaik – just published by Columbia University Press – deals a crushing blow to this narrative. Drawing on nearly two centuries of detailed data on tax and trade, Patnaik calculated that Britain drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938.



The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | Finance Documentary | History

Finance Documentary in Full Length: The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire - How Britain transformed from an imperial power to a financial power.

The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire, is a documentary film that shows how Britain transformed from a colonial power into a global financial power. At the demise of #empire, City of #London financial interests created a web of offshore secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it behind obscure financial structures in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global #offshore wealth may be hidden in British offshore jurisdictions and Britain and its offshore jurisdictions are the largest global players in the world of international finance. How did this come about, and what impact does it have on the world today? This is what the Spider's Web sets out to investigate. With contributions from leading experts, academics, former insiders and campaigners for social justice, the use of stylized b-roll and archive footage, the Spider's Web reveals how in the world of international #finance, #corruption and #secrecy have prevailed over regulation and transparency, and the #UK is right at the heart of this.



La #France en #guerre - Le grand retour du #général #DeGaulle - #Histoire de l' #Empire


Après une brève présentation de l’ #origine des #documents #secrets servant de #source à la majeure partie de cette #vidéo, je révèle, dans cette première partie consacrée à la #présidence de #CharlesDeGaulle, les dessous de son arrivée au #pouvoir, de ses #rapports avec Dwight #Eisenhower et John Fitzgerald #Kennedy ainsi que de ses grandes décisions #internationales.

#politique #géopolitique #États-Unis


enter image description here

#Reincarnation and #Karma | Order of #Bards, #Ovates & #Druids
by Dr Renata Bartoli

It’s not possible to give a date when the concept of reincarnation first appeared among human beliefs because it seems to be as old as humankind itself and it is present in cultures all over the #world.

Its first manifestation seems to be in Shamanism. From it the belief in rebirth has passed into all major religions that have developed on earth, accompanying and influencing them throughout their evolution.

Reincarnation though transcends the limits of specific, codified religious systems. Nowadays, in a more and more secularised Western society, it is science that enjoys respect and credibility, while traditional religions are constantly losing public interest: in fact, people are in search of a more direct and less structured spirituality. In this climate, interest in reincarnation is not fading but growing and this ancient, primordial belief is now receiving validation and support by just those very scientific milieux that – traditionally – have always been the antagonists of religions. I say ‘primordial belief’ because looking back to the entire history of human thought, reincarnation is actually the only worldwide concept that has shown continuity and permanence from our origins to the present day.

Eastern religions are well known to hold the concept of rebirth at the very core of their teachings. What is less known is that reincarnation has also always been present in monotheistic faiths and philosophical systems of Western and Middle Eastern societies.

In classical Greece Plato, Diogenes and Pythagoras spoke of reincarnation and past life regressions.

The #Ancient Jews believed that Abel had reincarnated into #Moses, and in the Middle Ages reincarnation appears in the esoteric teaching of #Kabbalah, developed further in later times by the Hassidic movement.
The concept of Karma was introduced to Latin Rome by Ennius, after being imported from the newly conquered Eastern territories, and #Virgil describes reincarnation in his #poems.Medieval Islam was also familiar with the concept of rebirth, and the Persian Sufis have preserved this belief up to the present day. The #Quran itself explains the law of Karma.
What about Christianity? Reincarnation was an integral part of the beliefs of early Christians and there are references to it even in the teachings of Jesus himself. However everything changed in #325 AD when, at the #Council of #Nicaea, reincarnation was condemned as #heretical. The fact is that this council was called in times of great turmoil and insecurity and its decisions were dictated by political needs and not by spiritual considerations; in fact the Council was requested by #Constantine, the emperor of the Eastern #Roman #Empire, and it marked a crucial political turning point in the fate of what would later become Europe as we know it today.

At that time the old empire was disintegrating under the pressure of nomadic peoples coming from the East, bringing with them a completely new and unknown civilisation. Constantine was the head of this vanishing empire and he was desperate to maintain an order which was faltering in the face of the advancement of the chaos brought by them. To do so he needed absolute power and absolute obedience and to obtain them both he needed very strict laws, able to keep order within the threatened boundaries. In such a situation #people were supposed to #obey #without #question, and no challenge to his #authority or the status quo was tolerated.

Reincarnation states that we incarnate over and over again, experiencing all sorts of human conditions, and that someone who had been a king in the past could be reborn as a tramp and vice versa. The precariousness and transitoriness of social status that it taught certainly sounded very subversive to a frightened monarch, and didn’t hold any appeal for him. Constantine used a heavy hand to #eradicate it. He banned it as he did all other ideas or beliefs he felt threatened by, and he didn’t hesitate to #execute their #supporters, mercilessly silencing any opposition.

In spite of all this the idea of #rebirth has never been extirpated and today – although the traditional religious systems are in crisis throughout the entire Western civilisation – the belief in reincarnation is growing steadily both in Europe and the USA, as the statistics of the last twenty years show.



#AjamuBaraka #Europe #UnitedStates #empire #colonialism #imperialism
