“Woke is fascist”

Source: https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/06/04/woke-is-fascist/


We all need to internalise these points.

“I pledge to follow The Science".

"I stand by Ukraine. Nobody could possibly dispute the moral rightness of supporting Ukraine."

"“I take the knee. While doing nothing to oppose real-life racial discrimination, I like to signal both my virtue and my submission to the Globalist Faith by participating in organised collective rituals”.

“I will deny reality when ordered to do so"

“I pledge to swallow anything if it is sold to me as saving the planet."

“I pledge to remain blind to the existence of conspiracies."

“I pledge not to recognise fascism when it is staring me in the face."

Or should we not?

#fascism #liberalism #society #woke #dogma #timewarp