

How Corporate America Invented Christian America

Inside one reverend’s big business-backed 1940s crusade to make the country conservative again.
By KEVIN M. KRUSE April 16, 2015


This is an older, but relevant, article that gives some insight into the rise of Christian Nationalism. It compliments nicely Elizabeth Fones-Wolf's book, The Business Assault on Labor and Liberalism (1994). I've only just started The Power Worshipers by Katherine Stewart but highly recommend it. Lastly, I'll include a link to Political Research Associates and their work on uncovering Right-Wing funding.

#religion #ChristianNationalism #RightWing #authoritarianism #conservatism #liberalism #libertarianism #business #fascism


A Test of #Character

Why #Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

  • f a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
  • If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
  • If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
  • If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
  • If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him..
  • If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
  • If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and Jesus silenced.
  • If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.


The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 133
Classical Liberalism is in trouble. We can all see that. With it, the nations that have incorporated it as their operating model are also in trouble. We can all see that too. Today, post-liberal movements on both the Left and the putative Right see these problems and are calling for Classical Liberalism’s demise. But do they see the problems we face clearly and accurately? James Lindsay, host of the New Discourses Podcast, thinks they do not, and in this episode, he breaks down what they’re missing and the major problems Classical Liberalism faces as we make our way deeper into the twenty-first century. First, it’s under deliberate attack from an attempted global Communist Revolution. Second, we can’t defend it because we aren’t even clear about what it is. Third, three deep and important philosophical questions demand answering in order to carry the philosophy of Individual Rights and Liberty into our increasingly technological and digital age. Join him to break through the conceptual fog and to start facing the real problems threatening us and to turn away from fighting shadows.
#liberalism #fighting-shadows #globalism


The Union's Manifesto expressed a "plebeian mistrust" of every political party, as well as the bureaucracy and the intelligentsia. The group looked at these as obstacles to "the direct communion between the Tsar and his people". This struck a deep chord with Nicholas II, who also shared the deep belief in re-establishment of autocratic personal rule, as had existed in the Muscovite state of the 1600s. It also stood for the russification of non-Russian citizens.#trump #biden #left #liberal #conservative #gop #usa #canada #eu #europe #russia #history #fascism #liberalism #uk #deutschland #france #italy #urp #czar #unionoftherussianpeope #Союзрусскогонарода #jamesstewartmartin #allhonorablemen ">

Union of the Russian People - Wikipedia

This seems to be close to what Trump stands for.
The article mentions that some consider it an early form of fascism, but it isn't - certainly not the fascism as defined and practised by Mussolini - who gave the word it's modern meaning. (he also called it "Third Way" and "Corporatism").

Fascism is based on a liberal[1] elite - as we saw in the italian and german economies which were turning into cartels and monopolies. Thus the hunt in 1945 in Germany by James Stewart Martin for the archives of the corporations - Krupp, IG Farbe a.s.o. He was sent by Eisenhower, with the express backing of Truman. along with the front line troops to get to the archives before they could be destroyed. He wrote a book - which you can (should) read/download here.

These entrepreneurs were the "good" Nazis - they used forced labour a.s.o. - because they were business people....
Some got sentences - but were released early - and, yes, despite denials, they were the power behind the fascists.... just read the book.

So the idea that one or the other is the lesser evil is binary thinking - whether in North America or Europe we have to get out of this dichotomy.
Liberals, of course, can do marketing better and have always had a greater influence in the media because of sponsoring through their adverts and because the media itself is a liberal business.

They are both right-wing and extreme.

[1] liberal means those who have mobile wealth - the middle class, the french revolutionaries, the bourgoisie, entrpreneurs, factories, child labour, sweat shops, importers, exporters, commerce, a.s.o.
The conservative have the immobile wealth - old money - land, buldings, mines agriculture, junkers, landed gentry, plantations, slaves.

The difference were once crass, then became less so - especiaaly when conservatives became libreals - except in name, just as the soeuropean "socialist" parties are 100pc liberal - except in name.

But now the differences are once again becoming crass - the liberal foreign policy is to force the open-door policy on the whole world - globalism is it is's newset manifestation - but it started with th eopium wars, gun boat diplomacy with Japan - "you will trade with us, on our terms, whether you like it or not" - recognise it? Sound familiar?

The conservative foreign policy is protectionism - like the Corn Laws in the UK of the 19th Century.


“Woke is fascist”

Source: https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/06/04/woke-is-fascist/


We all need to internalise these points.

“I pledge to follow The Science".

"I stand by Ukraine. Nobody could possibly dispute the moral rightness of supporting Ukraine."

"“I take the knee. While doing nothing to oppose real-life racial discrimination, I like to signal both my virtue and my submission to the Globalist Faith by participating in organised collective rituals”.

“I will deny reality when ordered to do so"

“I pledge to swallow anything if it is sold to me as saving the planet."

“I pledge to remain blind to the existence of conspiracies."

“I pledge not to recognise fascism when it is staring me in the face."

Or should we not?

#fascism #liberalism #society #woke #dogma #timewarp


The arbitrarily concluded Christmas truce of 1914 (the film’s central motif) was just the tip of the iceberg of arbitrary and spontaneous collaborations, agreements and camaraderie between otherwise formally hostile soldiers - despite superior orders. Historical testimonies recorded them at other times of the war, on different parts of the front. They formed a natural human counterbalance to the fanaticism of some commanders and influential individuals, forcing other people by force to participate in this senseless conflict.

“Joyeux Noel” 2005

#movies #film #history #anarchism #anarchy #self-organization #liberalism #free


Of course, Suslov is just one man, and he was never a political dissident. But his presence at #HSE is emblematic of the uncomfortable affinity between Russian #liberalism and #Kremlin #imperialism, underscoring the former’s limits as a politically transformative force. Just as HSE’s decline is the result of the structures and principles on which it was founded, so too are the limitations of Russian liberalism—now brought into painfully sharp relief by #Russia’s invasion of #Ukraine—a result of assumptions that have been inherent to this intellectual and political trend for the past 200 years. As authors like Susanna Rabow-Edling have argued, liberalism in the Russian #Empire was deeply intertwined with #nationalism and the imperial project, with proponents of the movement believing that liberalizing the empire was the only way to preserve its existence. In this sense, it was not dissimilar to liberalism in other colonial metropoles that posited Western #Europe as the epitome of #modernity and its imperial possessions as passive recipients of its supposedly progressive #policy.

https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/29/russian-liberal-universities-hse-ukraine-war/ #war #education #usa #biden #opposition