Today's a holiday in the #UK (Bank Holiday), an extra weekday off for Easter. My wife wanted to go on a slightly longer #bike trip and also somewhere new. So I chose #BictonPark. The total trip was just over a Marathon distance (it was 42.8 km) and mostly over some rural roads without a huge volume of traffic. The destination is quite nice though perhaps a bit too manicured. I'll post a few interesting #photographs.

There are several #GlassHouses dating back to the 19th century in which are kept plants from various climates. It reminded me of #KewGardens in London but on a smaller scale.
Exterior of glass house

Interior of glass house

In this one, the plants are of tropical origin.
Plants in glass house

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring #Biking #Cycling