We Should Try to Prevent Another #AlexJones

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/16/opinion/alex-jones-sandy-hook.html

But we should also work hard at making the rest of #society work much better so that liars can’t do as much damage. I keep coming back to how people over 65 have higher rates of #vaccination, despite higher #FoxNews viewership and some in that age group having a greater propensity to believe #misinformation. That’s possibly because they are more motivated to brush off lies in light of the higher risk they face from Covid but perhaps also because #Medicare allows them to have medical providers they trust. Similarly, for example, regulating the supplement #industry — a common vehicle for #conspiracy and political grift — and having stricter standards on advertising claims might help, too.

The work of #civilization is not just discovering and unleashing new and powerful technologies; it is also regulating and shaping them and crafting norms and values through education and awareness that make societies healthier and function better. We are late to grapple with all of this, but late is better than never.

#fake #news #problem #media #finance #economy #internet #tracking #surveillance #money #technology #covid #corona #health