The War Will End

“The war will end,

and leaders will shake hands.

That old woman will keep waiting for her martyred son.

And those children will keep waiting for their hero father.

I don’t know who sold our homeland,

but I saw who paid the price.”

Sunflower Grow


  • Poem by Mahmoud Darwish, 1965

  • Artwork by Wenqing Yan (YuumeiArt), Feb. 2022, inspired by the brave Ukrainian woman who told the invading Russian soldier, “Put sunflower seeds in your pocket, so that sunflowers grow when you die here.”

  • Combination copied from The Artidote community on Facebook


#Ukraine #Invasion #War #Aggression #Peace / #fz_links #fz_thinkingOutLoud


Further, as noted by Gabrielle Cornish and many others on the Internet,

Russia has mandatory conscription for men ages 18-27. Many of these soldiers aren't bloodthirsty ideologues; they're boys (mostly, and some girls -ed.) who didn't have enough money to weasel their way out of service. I fully support Ukraine and its defenders, but I won't be celebrating Russian casualties.

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