

Drawing idea: "Masayoshi Son, frown after the Battle of Mikatagahara"

Prototype generated by Craiyon (formerly Dall-E Mini). [www.craiyon.com]

News context: "SoftBank’s Shogun Has a Rare Moment of Contrition - Masayoshi Son once compared himself to Jesus Christ. After a $23 billion loss, he says he’s like a defeated feudal lord." (Bloomberg, Aug. 8, 2022)


#fz_thinkingOutLoud / #GenerativeArt #Ideation #internetBusiness #SoftBank #MasayoshiSon / 2022-08-11


More images from the Bloomberg article:


The Verge: Twitter’s decentralized, open-source offshoot just released its first code

— Project Bluesky calls it the Authenticated Data Experiment (ADX)

📑 https://www.theverge.com/2022/5/4/23057473/twitter-bluesky-adx-release-open-source-decentralized-social-network

Bluesky, Twitter’s open-source offshoot, has released early code for a decentralized social network protocol. The system is dubbed the Authenticated Data Experiment (or ADX) and is available on GitHub for developers to test, although Bluesky emphasizes that it’s incomplete. It’s one of the most substantive windows into Bluesky’s workings since the project was conceived in 2019 and formally incorporated in early 2022.

Bluesky CEO Jay Graber writes that ADX will be the start of a semi-public development process. “We’re going to take a middle path of releasing work before it’s complete, but also giving ourselves time to workshop new directions at early stages,” Graber says. The GitHub repository includes an overview of ADX’s goals and design as well as some experimental code. “Feel free to play around, but don’t try to build your next big social app on this yet. Things are missing, and things are going to change,” Graber says. The code is available under an open-source MIT License.

“Feel free to play around, but don’t try to build your next big social app on this yet.” — Jay Grabber

ADX isn’t a single, standalone social network design. It’s a protocol built around user-controlled “Personal Data Repositories” that social network developers could choose to support. Among other things, it’s supposed to let users transfer social media posts or engagement between networks without eroding the networks’ own moderation options. “On the Web, this data lives on the social platform where it was created. In ADX, this data will live in Personal Data Repositories owned by the user,” the overview explains. Platforms can choose to only index some of this content — drawing a distinction between “speech,” or the ability to keep data in the repository, and “reach,” or being able to see that data on a given platform.

Personally it reminds me of the SOLID project from Sir Tim Berners-Lee and that project's aim at making "personal data sovereignty" more of "a thing"... I like it.

Also I'd like to see ADX as a practical (yet experimental) collaborative development towards social posts and social graph as migratable digital assets, and attempt at separating free speech from free reach...

All currently still very much pie-in-the-sky (pun kinda intended), but still though.


#Twitter #Bluesky #FederatedSocialMedia #DecentralizedSocialMedia / #fz_links #fz_thinkingOutLoud / May 2022


The War Will End

“The war will end,

and leaders will shake hands.

That old woman will keep waiting for her martyred son.

And those children will keep waiting for their hero father.

I don’t know who sold our homeland,

but I saw who paid the price.”

Sunflower Grow


  • Poem by Mahmoud Darwish, 1965

  • Artwork by Wenqing Yan (YuumeiArt), Feb. 2022, inspired by the brave Ukrainian woman who told the invading Russian soldier, “Put sunflower seeds in your pocket, so that sunflowers grow when you die here.”

  • Combination copied from The Artidote community on Facebook


#Ukraine #Invasion #War #Aggression #Peace / #fz_links #fz_thinkingOutLoud


Further, as noted by Gabrielle Cornish and many others on the Internet,

Russia has mandatory conscription for men ages 18-27. Many of these soldiers aren't bloodthirsty ideologues; they're boys (mostly, and some girls -ed.) who didn't have enough money to weasel their way out of service. I fully support Ukraine and its defenders, but I won't be celebrating Russian casualties.


Link-dump of Afghanistan-related Web-links

#fz_thinkingOutLoud #fz_currentEvents / #August2021 #Taliban #Afghanistan #WesternExport #WesternDemocracy #Geopolitics #hotTake #opinion


Be aware of the framing. Recognize the framing.

Understand all emotions and perceptions that the Framing tries to get out of you. Then let these emotions and perceptions, flow past you.

Now, look at the Truth.



Try this for a Mastodon goal:

So that if/when Twitter dies, Internet users World-wide would find there already exists a better Social Networking text-focused microblogging service+platform, in the form of a network comprising of Mastodon and other compatible ActivityPub-based decentralized services.

(The goal does not explicitly set killing Twitter as a goal. Nor Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, WhatsApp etc. for that matter.)

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Try this for a Diaspora goal:

So that if/when Facebook dies, Internet users World-wide would find there already exists a Newsfeed-based, text-preferred microblogging service+platform, in the form of Diaspora and other compatible decentralized services.

(Can be ActivityPub-based, can be based on another federated social-networking back-end standard.)

(The goal does not explicitly set killing Facebook as a goal. Nor Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, WhatsApp etc. for that matter.)

— —

#fz_thinkingOutLoud #SocialMedia