

Kriegstrauma: Die Hälfte der Kinder in Gaza wünscht sich den Tod

Eine neue Studie zeigt die enormen #psychischen #Auswirkungen des #Krieges auf #Kinder und junge Menschen im #Gazastreifen. 44 Prozent der #Toten waren Kinder, und die Überlebenden leiden unter starken Symptomen der #Traumatisierung

Laut einer neuen Studie zur Situation von Kindern, die den Krieg in #Gaza erleben, haben 96 Prozent von ihnen das Gefühl, dass ihr #Tod unmittelbar bevorsteht. Gleichzeitig ergab die Befragung, dass sich etwa die Hälfte der Kinder aufgrund eines erlittenen Traumas den Tod wünscht. Die Analyse einer Nichtregierungsorganisation mit Sitz in Gaza, die von der Hilfsorganisation War Child Alliance finanziert wurde, kam außerdem zu dem Ergebnis, dass 92 Prozent der für die Studie befragten Kinder „die #Realität nicht akzeptieren“, 79 Prozent an #Albträumen leiden und 73 Prozent Symptome von #Aggression zeigen.



Taipei replica in remote Chinese province fans Taiwan invasion fears

The satellite images show a detailed replica of the heart of Taipei – albeit surrounded by the arid landscape of Inner Mongolia instead of Taiwan’s lush vegetation.

First posted on social media by a Taiwanese data analyst, on March 26, they were later picked up by the website Taiwan News, under the ominous headline: “China creates Taipei mockup to train for invasion”.

FRANCE 24 was able to verify the existence of the mockup, located some 1,200 kilometres west of Beijing.


#China #Taipei #Taiwan #Invasion #war #ChinaAggression #aggression #Imperialism #Mongolia


The Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has opened a digital platform to enable people to submit complaints online to the #ICC with the option to add pictures and videos that show the crimes of the Israeli occupiers against them for the court to consider them and to take a stance against Israel. Those with information relevant to current events in #Israel and #Palestine are asked to provide submissions. Information submitted under this portal should relate to alleged #crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC, namely #War_Crimes, #Crimes_Against_Humanity, #Genocide, or #Aggression.


A holiday gift...
Wisdom, context & perspective, about human nature and chimpanzees too (including some behavioral overlaps!- @29;56)

Hot Earth Truth: Jane Goodall on chimps, conservation and runaway capitalism I Summit Series

Primatologist and renowned environmental activist Jane Goodall joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber in this wide-ranging interview about her pioneering work with chimpanzees, conservation, her new book, and even her new environmentally friendly Barbie doll. This is a new installment of The Summit Series with Ari Melber, featuring discussions with leaders at the summit of their fields.

#JaneGoodall #chimpanzees #intellect #behavior #aggression #ContextAndPerspective #anthropomorphism #TrumpVirus


“The double-standards [with regard to Russia] are absolutely breathtaking” de Zayas said, noting how British International Criminal Court ( #ICC ) Prosecutor Karim Khan had discontinued all investigations into NATO war crimes in Afghanistan but continued those into the Taliban against NATO. Now the ICC has issued an arrest warrant against Putin, another one-sided decision that de Zayas claims has made the organization a joke:

“There is no question that here, the #crime of #aggression has been committed, and certainly Russian troops have committed crimes in Ukraine. But you cannot prosecute one side and let the other side off scot-free. If you are going to indict a serving head of state [like Putin], then you would have to indict Joe Biden.”

The United States and NATO, he says, have been carrying out dangerous provocations in Ukraine for years, supplying weapons to militias who use them against civilians, while also carrying out similar crimes to Russia in Afghanistan, meaning that anyone with a semblance of balance or neutrality would conclude that American leaders need to be held accountable, too.


Kämpfe in Belgorod: Einheiten aus Russen in der ukrainischen Armee | DW | 23.05.2023

Laut Medienberichten kämpfen Hunderte von russischen Staatsbürgern in sogenannten Freiwilligenkorps auf ukrainischer Seite. Wer sind sie und welche ideologischen Positionen zur Zukunft Russlands vertreten sie?#Belgorod #Russland #Ukraine-Krieg #Aggression #Russen #Freiwillige #Einheiten
Kämpfe in Belgorod: Einheiten aus Russen in der ukrainischen Armee | DW | 23.05.2023