Looking at the strikes of the 1940s, we can see that any combative #labor #resistance that breaks out today will likely emerge in defiance of union leadership rather than because of it. Looking at the general #strike of 2011, we can see that to succeed, combative #organizing must begin outside the workplace as well as within it, connecting the struggles of the unemployed and precarious with those of the employed. Exploring how the strategies that people experimented with in 2011 have fared in the decade since, we can draw up new proposals about what to bring to tomorrow’s uprisings.
As it has become increasingly difficult for workers to exert leverage on employers on a workplace-by-workplace basis, the general strike might represent a more ambitious way to wield power against the capitalist class as a whole.

https://de.crimethinc.com/2022/06/07/a-tale-of-two-general-strikes-updating-the-general-strike-for-the-21st-century #usa #oakland #work #history #police #occupy #spain #greece #egypt #tunisia #canada #turkey #columbia #france #chile #ecuador #brazil #anarchism

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