More frost.

Ernst Greiner 🇪🇺 - 2024-01-20 11:59:10 GMT

The coldest temperature I ever experienced was in December during the 90s in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, while commissioning a weighing system at the local steel factory.
Outdoors: -36°C
In the casting hall: -17°C
Control room: +25°C (floor -5°C)When you breathe too fast through your nose at -36°C, your nostrils instantly "glue" together. The solution was to walk the 200/300 meters from the office to the casting hall with your hands in front of your face like a mask, breathing in and out slowly to preheat the cold air.
In the control room, I thought, 'Man, it's hot in here, but why are my feet so cold?' Every time the door opened and someone came in, a gust of cold air swept in, collecting under the monitoring desk and staying there indefinitely.

The rest of the week was quite adventurous, including the best vodka I've ever had...

#winter #cold #fuckingcold #russia #voest
Steel factory in Winter

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