

Russian chipmaker unveils #RaspberryPi competitor — despite US #sanction woes, #Elbrus packs its homegrown chip into the smallest form factor yet

source: https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/cpus/russian-chipmaker-unveils-raspberry-pi-competitor-despite-us-sanction-woes-elbrus-packs-its-homegrown-chip-into-the-smallest-form-factor-yet

The #MP21, the smallest computer ever to be powered by the Elbrus 2S3, will come equipped with up to 8GB RAM and an SSD between 60 and 480GB of non-soldered SSD storage. The mini-computer will consume 40W of power, much more than the Pi 5's maximum 10W in our testing.

#Russia #technology #microcontroller #hardware #iot #news #computer #cpu


The Summer of Living Dangerously

The #Summer of #Living #Dangerously #France #elections #UK #BRICS #Europe #NATO #summit #NATOstan #US #UK #Russia #Ukraine

"So Le Petit Roi in Paris was predictably crushed in the European polls. He has called parliamentary snap elections, dissolving the Assemblée Nationale in an act of blind, puerile revenge on French citizens, de facto attacking French institutional democracy.

That doesn’t mean much anyway, because the lineaments of “liberty, equality, fraternity” have long been usurped by a crass oligarchy.

The second round of these fresh French elections will be on July 7 – nearly coinciding with the British snap elections on July 11, and only a few days before the slow-burning urban catastrophe which will be the Olympics in Paris.

Paris salons are ablaze with intrigue on why the little Rothschild stooge with a Napoleon complex is throwing all his toys out of the pram now because he’s not getting what he wants.

After all what he really craves is to become a “War President” – together with the Cadaver in the White House, Starmer in the UK, Rutte in the Netherlands, the Toxic Medusa von der Lugen in Brussels, Tusk in Poland, without having to answer to the French people."



Israel vows to press on in Gaza after UN Security Council approves ceasefire proposal

🔶️ Israel has vowed to persist with its military operation in Gaza, saying it won’t engage in “meaningless” negotiations with #Hamas, shortly after the United Nations Security Council overwhelmingly approved a US-backed #ceasefire plan intended to bring an end to the eight-month war.

🔶️ Israel’s representative to the UN, Reut Shapir Ben-Naftaly, emphasized at a #UNSC meeting Monday that her country wants to “ensure that Gaza doesn’t pose a threat to Israel in the future.”

🔶️ Her comments came after 14 of the 15 UNSC council members voted in favor of Monday’s US-drafted resolution, with only #Russia abstaining – the first time the council has endorsed such a plan to end the war. Israel is not a member of the UNSC, and so did not vote.

Kick this rogue nation out of #UN. They do not belong to the world nations. They are a nation of arrogant #savages.


#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Zelensky set the trap that threatens to destroy us

#Zelensky #set the #trap that #threatens to #destroy us #Ukraine #NATO #US #UK #Germany #France #EU #Russia

"Bandera’s Ukraine, which has been furiously privatizing its remaining state properties left to it by Russia and the USSR, already has a large part of its valuable black lands in the hands of #Blackrock , #Monsanto and other U.S. interests. These are joined by energy, mining, agro-industrial and real estate ownership.

Now, to finance the war effort, the illegitimate Zelensky, who is currently usurping the position of president (I can already see the meaning of that kiss from von der #Leyen, the usurpers recognize each other), is preparing to sell what he still has left. The exigencies from the IMF and from financial agreements with the European Union always require privatizations and the businesses in question are, in some cases, important natural monopolies."



Meeting with Foreign Ministry senior officials • President of Russia
We last met in this extended format in November 2021, and since then, there have been many pivotal and even fateful events, without exaggeration, both in Russia and around the world. ... — http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/74285 #nsfw #russia #kremlin #foreignpolicy


"In the Pentagon", soviet poster about US military plans, 1981

On the sheet:

Plan for the deployment of missiles in Western Europe

Bottom of the image:

To avoid a strike on the United States in a nuclear war, we’ll send missiles as a gift to Europe, and we’ll stay away.

Source of image: @PicturesUssr on x/twitter

Translations: @antmdh and @PicturesUssr on x/twitter

#NuclearWar #UnitedStates #Europe #Russia #USSR


Delusional Moron Speaks

Hanse Mina - 2024-06-14 15:10:17 GMT

Prime Minister Viktor #Orbán said that Hungary is among the most loyal members of #NATO, and added that "31 out of 32 NATO member countries want to defeat the Russians"“Hungary's position is that this is a mistake.”

Orbán said that what's needed is not for #Ukraine to win but in spite of this, NATO is still "facilitating the war, while Hungary is on the side of peace.” Orbán said he did not want "any square inch of Hungary to become a Russian military target"




Interesting sequence of events that came through my newsfeed tonight. #Russia 's Gazprom losing money hand over fist; #Putin pissed at #China for not paying enough for natural gas; comprehensive mutual benefit talks between Russia & #Iran break off; more Russian refineries up in flames; NASA spots a huge fire in Crimea; missiles fired from the Russian side of the #Ukraine border have been less frequent.

Kinda adds up to Putin looking progressively weaker, especially since he hasn't come even close to conquering Ukraine yet and when he goes to other nations for deals, he's looking less like a strong ally and more like a raggedy beggar.


#Food for Pro Russian, Anti US-Imperiallism, AntiFa, and those who fight their chosen ‘evil’.

Subject for investigation for those who are able to read other points of view and those who didn’t hear of CIA, Ukraine and Russia before.

#Poison for those who know that Russia and Putin are at fault for everything, and for those who trust in the honesty or supremacy of the West or the general systems of what is considered democracy.

The U.S. relationship with Ukraine, and its extremists, to undermine Russia began after the Second World War. During the war, units of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) took part in the Holocaust, killing at least 100,000 Jews and Poles.

Mykola Lebed, a top aide to Stepan Bandera, the leader of the fascist OUN-B, was recruited by the C.I.A. after the war, according to a 2010 study by the U.S. National Archives.

Lebed was the “foreign minister” of a Banderite government in exile, but he later broke with Bandera for acting as a dictator. The U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps termed Bandera “extremely dangerous” yet said he was “looked upon as the spiritual and national hero of all Ukrainians….”

“Following the demise of [Viktor] Yanukovich’s regime [in 2014], the UCCA helped organise rallies in cities across the US in support of the EuroMaidan protests,” it reported.


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#Fascism #CIA #Soviet Union #Russia #Ukraine
#Lebed #OUN-B #UCCA