

UK: Crumbling schools plagued by leaks and cold, BBC finds

Schools in urgent need of repair have told Panorama they are struggling to keep children warm in buildings that are "not fit for purpose".

At one primary in Devon, temperatures are so low that children keep gloves and coats on during some lessons.

The head teacher says despite parts of the school being seemingly impossible to heat, he has been told it does not qualify for extra money for repairs.


#ToryDictatorship #Tory #Tories #UK #schools #cold #warm #PeopleNotProfits #wealthy #ToriesOut #HumanRights


More frost.

Ernst Greiner 🇪🇺 - 2024-01-20 11:59:10 GMT

The coldest temperature I ever experienced was in December during the 90s in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, while commissioning a weighing system at the local steel factory.
Outdoors: -36°C
In the casting hall: -17°C
Control room: +25°C (floor -5°C)When you breathe too fast through your nose at -36°C, your nostrils instantly "glue" together. The solution was to walk the 200/300 meters from the office to the casting hall with your hands in front of your face like a mask, breathing in and out slowly to preheat the cold air.
In the control room, I thought, 'Man, it's hot in here, but why are my feet so cold?' Every time the door opened and someone came in, a gust of cold air swept in, collecting under the monitoring desk and staying there indefinitely.

The rest of the week was quite adventurous, including the best vodka I've ever had...

#winter #cold #fuckingcold #russia #voest
Steel factory in Winter


Wieder tief in jener Welt: Die urvertraute Kälte zwischen Wand, Bett und Schrank, die einen begrüßt und umfasst wie einen alten Bekannten, der nie Freund werden wollte, aber trotzdem immer wieder gern gesehen bleibt, gern zurückkehrt. Draußen liegen Reste von Schnee und neues Eis auf flachen Pappdächern, einzelne Spuren verschiedener Füße ziehen sich die Straße hinab durch die fahlen Kegel der Laternen. Noch ein Schluck Weißwein im schweren Glas, kühl und klar wie die neue Nacht. (Heulen eines Motors, zwei Lichtpunkte verschwinden den Hügel hinauf. Ein Hund schlägt an, der Garten des Nachbarhauses wird kurz fast taghell. Dann versinkt alles wieder in jener Zwischenzeit, die der Tag längst verloren hat und die Schlaf nur langsam für sich gewinnt...)

#outerworld #the_village_and_the_hills #cold_evenings_cold_nights

#the village and the hills #cold evenings cold nights