The right’s position here is the better known, the movement having aggressively dedicated itself to stripping #women of fundamental rights for decades. Thanks in part to two #SupremeCourt justices who have been credibly accused of abusive behavior toward women, #Roe v. Wade, nearly 50 years a target, has been ruthlessly overturned.
Far more bewildering has been the fringe left jumping in with its own perhaps unintentionally but effectively misogynist agenda. There was a time when campus groups and activist organizations advocated strenuously on behalf of women. Women’s rights were #humanrights and something to fight for. Though the Equal Rights Amendment was never ratified, legal scholars and advocacy groups spent years working to otherwise establish women as a protected class.
But today, a number of academics, uber-progressives, #transgender activists, civil liberties organizations and medical organizations are working toward an opposite end: to deny women their humanity, reducing them to a mix of body parts and #gender stereotypes. #usa #scotus #queerfeminism #crisis #history #feminism #leftist #farright