

Peering into the Corrupt Court’s Pretensions and Corruption

Gift link.

There were so many things that happened yesterday in the Supreme Court’s hearing on presidential immunity that it’s hard to know where to start. But one part that captured it for me was Sam Alito’s line of argument that presidential immunity might be necessary to make it possible for presidents to leave office voluntarily, or that not having some broad grant of immunity would make refusal to leave office more likely.

#SupremeCourt #TrumpImmunity #USPol #SCOTUS


US-Vorwahlen: Gute Aussichten für Trump am „Super Tuesday“

Vorwahlen in den USA - Gute Aussichten für Trump am „Super Tuesday“

Vorwahlen zur Präsidentschaftswahl in 15 US-Bundesstaaten am „Super Tuesday“: Alles spricht dafür, dass Trump damit der Präsidentschaftskandidatur nahekommt.#SuperTuesday #USA #Vorwahlen #Präsidentschaftswahl #TRUMP #BIDEN #Republikaner #Demokraten #SUPREMECOURT
US-Vorwahlen: Gute Aussichten für Trump am „Super Tuesday“


Supreme Court berät Trump-Ausschluss von der US Wahl 2024

USA - Trump, der Supreme Court und die Folgen fĂĽr die Wahl

US Wahl 2024: Hat Ex-Präsident Donald Trump gegen die Verfassung verstoßen und darf er deshalb nicht kandidieren? Das muss nun der Supreme Court entscheiden.#Trump #US-Wahl2024 #SupremeCourt #Biden
Supreme Court berät Trump-Ausschluss von der US Wahl 2024


Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council (1984) May Get Overturned

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless v. Department of Commerce seek to overturn Chevron, a foundational decision, which places strict limits on unelected federal judges’ ability to make policy decisions for the entire nation. Chevron has been cited by 17,000 lower court decisions, and it would cause a “flood of litigation” that would result if all of these decisions were called into question.

The Decision On This Case Will Affect Thousands of Established Court Cases & How The Government Operates

#SupremeCourt #News #Chevron



#Clinton v. Jones #Case Summary
By Laura Temme, Esq. | Legally reviewed by Joseph Fawbush, Esq. | Last reviewed August 29, 2023

..."Paula Corbin Jones filed a #lawsuit in 1994 alleging that #President Bill Clinton had sexually harassed her when he was governor of Arkansas. By the time she filed a sexual harassment lawsuit, he was president -- and claimed the presidency made him #immune to civil #litigation.

The case led to an important ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1997. It also propelled former White House intern Monica Lewinsky into the national spotlight when court documents became public.

The #SupremeCourt held that nothing in the #Constitution protects the president from civil lawsuits while they are in office. And President Clinton was eventually impeached for lying under oath."...


It's all on paper, though.
You can't eat gold and you can't eat diamonds, and their value is still determined in terms of currency, which is on paper. They may hoard it but they can't spend it because if they do, there will be an oversupply of currency and that will devalue the currency. They're a bunch of morons with a hoarding disorder which makes 'em no different than your hoarding cousin living in a trailer park.

♲ DoomsdaysCW - 2024-01-07 17:33:06 GMT

[Paywall] #Billionaires Are Hoarding Trillions in Untaxed #Wealth. They Want the #SupremeCourt to Keep It That WayA new report from #AmericansForTaxFairness found that America’s richest families accumulated $8.5 trillion in untaxed capital gains in 2022

by Nikki McCann Ramirez
January 5, 2024


#TaxTheRich #SCOTUS #SCOTUSIsCompromised #ImpeachJusticeThomas #ImpeachClarenceThomas #Oligarchy #Oligarchs #EatTheRich