Als der US-amerikanische Supreme Court Ende Juni das Abtreibungsrecht kippte, war die Tragweite dieser Entscheidung sofort offensichtlich. In zahlreichen Bundesstaaten wurden die wenigen verbliebenen Kliniken geschlossen, zig Millionen Menschen haben nun keinen legalen Zugang mehr zu Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen, feministischen Aktivist*innen droht die strafrechtliche Verfolgung. Die Aufhebung des 1973 gefällten Urteils »Roe v. Wade« kann man als den bedeutendsten Triumph der US-Rechten im 21. Jahrhundert einordnen. Sie ist ist eine Machtdemonstration insbesondere der christlichen #Rechte|n, der es immer effektiver gelingt, der #Gesellschaft ihre Normen aufzuzwingen.
Das Ende von #Roe markiert nicht nur die (vorläufige) Kulmination eines autoritären Kampfes, sondern unterstreicht auch das strukturelle Versagen eines liberalen Mainstream- #Feminismus, der seit langer Zeit vorherrschend ist. Über Jahrzehnte hinweg haben die Demokratische Partei und andere Institutionen der Mitte nahezu tatenlos zugesehen, wie Grundrechte abgebaut wurden; statt sich dieser Verschiebung entschlossen entgegenzustellen und Bewegungsarbeit zu leisten, wurde eine Taktik der Konfrontationsvermeidung verfolgt. Präsident Joe #Biden hat das Wort #Abtreibung bis vor kurzem nicht mal in den Mund genommen, so groß war die Angst, konservative Wähler*innen zu verlieren. Folgt man Umfragen, wird jedoch klar: Dem Großteil der Wähler*innen ist körperliche #Autonomie wichtiger als die Bewahrung der moderaten Gesichtslosigkeit.
https://www.akweb.de/bewegung/abtreibungsrechte-usa-roe-wade-was-bedeutet-das-fuer-den-feminismus/ #scotus #usa #frauen #liberalismus #klerikale #polizei
The right’s position here is the better known, the movement having aggressively dedicated itself to stripping #women of fundamental rights for decades. Thanks in part to two #SupremeCourt justices who have been credibly accused of abusive behavior toward women, #Roe v. Wade, nearly 50 years a target, has been ruthlessly overturned.
Far more bewildering has been the fringe left jumping in with its own perhaps unintentionally but effectively misogynist agenda. There was a time when campus groups and activist organizations advocated strenuously on behalf of women. Women’s rights were #humanrights and something to fight for. Though the Equal Rights Amendment was never ratified, legal scholars and advocacy groups spent years working to otherwise establish women as a protected class.
But today, a number of academics, uber-progressives, #transgender activists, civil liberties organizations and medical organizations are working toward an opposite end: to deny women their humanity, reducing them to a mix of body parts and #gender stereotypes.
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/03/opinion/the-far-right-and-far-left-agree-on-one-thing-women-dont-count.html #usa #scotus #queerfeminism #crisis #history #feminism #leftist #farright
While the right has diligently chipped away at women’s rights, the left’s response has been to offer nothing but blackmail. Stick with us, because the other guys are even worse. Sure, it feels undignified to call yourself a ‘menstruator’ or a ‘uterus bearer’, but that’s the cost of admission to the big liberal tent. If you don’t want to be reduced to your reproductive system, better start by reducing yourself to your reproductive system.
What a joke. The right won their war on #Roe because they took #abortion seriously. The #left lost because they treated it as a triviality, a done deal, something they could threaten women with (imagine if you lost this!) but never had to actively defend.
#Feminism ascended to the status of #fashion accessory — a background for Beyonce, a Teen Vogue vertical — without having accomplished all that much in the #US. It’s worth remembering that American women have no national statutory maternity leave. (Still, nearly half of Democrat men under 50 and quarter of #women believe that ‘feminism has done more harm than good’).
https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-the-right-won-the-war-on-roe #society #scotus #democrats #aoc
On this episode of the It’s Going Down #podcast, we talk with both long-time anarchist organizer Suzy Subways and historian Spencer Beswick about how anarchists in the 1990s organized in the face of a deadly #far-Right attack on abortion access across the so-called United States.
With the growth of both the above ground organization Operation Rescue, which mobilized thousands to shut down #abortion clinics and the underground anti-abortion movement which targeted doctors and reproductive #health offices with firebombings and assassinations, abortion access was under threat like never before. But while #liberals stuck to legalistic attempts to sway the courts, anarchists, utilizing strategies and tactics from groups like Anti-Racist Action, brought a fresh perspective to the struggle and began to mobilize and build coalitions.
During our discussion we cover this #history as well as what led to the passing of #Roe v Wade; as Beswick argues that it was the creation of a mass, militant movement that centered bodily #autonomy and freedom that forced the #State to codify limited abortion rights into law. As the supreme court is poised to rule on striking down Roe v Wade, this history, and the lessons a nd questions that it raises, is needed now more than ever.
https://itsgoingdown.org/clinic-defense-1990s-abortion/ #usa #anarchism #scotus #antira
AOC's Post-Roe Action Plan Puts Biden To Shame
watch on Invidious: AOC's Post-Roe Action Plan Puts Biden To Shame
Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says the Supreme Court has delegitimized itself and overreached in its authority by denying the human and civil rights of any pregnant person. AOC says that Congress and the President have the power to put the court in check. The Majority Report crew express disappointment in the Democratic response to Roe v Wade being overturned as President Joe Biden has announced his support of changing the filibuster to codify the right to privacy. Biden and officials have also stated that more radical moves would be polarizing. The Majority Report crew discuss the right to privacy and how there must be a move to demand the right to health care which includes abortion.
#SCOTUS #MajorityReport #politics #AOC #democrats #SamSeder #congress #Roe #EmmaVigeland #filibuster #Biden
or, if you prefer to watch on Invidious: The Not-So-Supreme Court
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian
#politics #satire #BettyBowers #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #SupremacistCourt #ExtremeCourt #packthecourt #unpackthecourt #Roe #RoevWade #FedSoc #ChristianNationalism #theocracy
#usa #roe #politics #women #conservatives #lgbtq
Next up: this illegitmate, stolen court will dismantle the federal regulatory apparatus on Monday.
— David Atkins (@DavidOAtkins) June 24, 2022
This will push each state to have to implement its own wildly different environmental and regulatory regimes.
They're going to literally destroy the country. /1
In #CedarRapids, #Iowa, yesterday, a male driver reportedly rammed his truck into a group of #women protesting the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn #Roe v. Wade. The collision sent at least one woman to the hospital. Local #police said that they’re investigating the incident.
Police said that an argument broke out between the driver of the truck and a protester before the collision, according to the Washington Post. Witnesses told the Huffington Post that the driver navigated around a line of cars, ran a red light, and plowed into the marchers, running over a woman’s ankle.
Video taken immediately after the incident shows women attempting to stop the truck, which continues to drive forward.
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/06/truck-collision-abortion-roe-cedar-rapids-womens-rights-protesters-iowa/ #usa #abortion #violence #scotus
The right to #abortion has been on the books for half a century. But two generations of conservative legal activism primed the Supreme Court for today’s tectonic decision, and with the fall of #Roe, former President #Trump secured a defining moment for his #far-right legacy: It was his appointees who finally tipped the balance on the court, and ensured this ruling’s majority.
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/06/scotus-dobbs-abortion-ruling-roe-dead/ #usa #women #scotus #health
Howard Zinn on the illiberal tradition of the US Supreme Court (2005)
"Don’t Despair about the Supreme Court"
... It would be naive to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds. Those rights only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice. ...
... which isn't to say, of course, that the tendency shouldn't be fought tooth and nail.
Zinn is best known as author of A People's History of the United States,
#HowardZinn #SCOTUS #USSupremeCourt #DobbsVJackson #Roe #RoeVWade #Rights #Power
Live Updates: Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade in Landmark Decision; States Move to Ban Abortion
Bye bye, American Pie....
Get your Howitzer at the ready
as the militia rolls by... and folks open-carry bazookas.
This'll be the day women's rights died...
This'll be the era when civility and compassion disappeared under mountains of hate, lies, corruption and partisan extremism. 🙁
As at least part of the court, immune from #accountability or #termlimits, is married to extreme #MAGA and participating in #sedition
Hey voters: Wake up! #MakeAmericaSaneAgain - beginning in our elected officials and extending into laws of the land - and decency.
#Roe #SCOTUS #abortion #guns #regression #society #civilization #GinniThomas #corruption #truth #law
“Much of contemporary #feminism, like my adolescent self, relies on a defensive posture, its energy driven toward negation. (Save #Roe!),” wrote Elisa Gonzalez. Describing her mother, a home #health aide and special #education teacher, she continued, “My mother’s life is hard, much harder than it needs to be, and when I take stock of feminism’s current offerings, I see little that would actually ease it.” The writers don’t reject feminism outright. They just don’t have much faith in it, at least as it exists today.
Barrow and Panovka both consider themselves feminists; neither of them takes any pleasure in dissecting what they see as the movement’s stasis. “We’re quite alarmed to see that the people around us, who are our age, are by and large quite disaffected and maybe considered themselves feminists five years ago, but now don’t want to anymore,” said Panovka.
trump #
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/17/opinion/roe-dobbs-abortion-feminism.html #society #women #usa #sanders #abortion #culture
Bye bye women's autonomy/health/reproductive/privacy rights in the U.S.? :((
#RoeVWade #womensrights #mybodymychoice #Roe #SCOTUS #abortion #choice
Think abortion laws just protect women's rights not to have a baby? think again. They also protect women from having to carry dead babies to term that make them ill or straight up kill them
Think we're being hysterical about #Roe? This conversation happened TODAY with one of my former students about a military spouse. pic.twitter.com/xpEMRt4MEt
— Jessica Scott (@JessicaScott09) May 3, 2022
Reh am Wiesenrand / Deer at the edge of a meadow
am Schildbendweg in Rumeln-Kaldenhausen, Juni 2021
#Säugetiere #Rehe #Niederrhein #RumelnKaldenhausen #Duisburg #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #mammals #ungulates #deer #roe