Les dominateurs occidentaux en bout de course veulent une guerre mondiale, et je suppose qu'ils vont tout faire pour la provoquer au "bon" moment....

#NATO is preparing the population for a situation when the Ukrainian conflict escalates into a world war.
This is evidenced by the fact that NATO Secretary General #Stoltenberg is trying to connect #Ukraine with the #Taiwan question, writes the Global Times.
Moreover, the definition of the Ukrainian conflict is no longer limited to Europe. It is now being touted as a symptom of a "broader global geopolitical conflict".
Now the alliance is making it clear that its main target is Russia, and China is also a potential adversary. Against this background, Stoltenberg continues to promote the need for NATO expansion, for which war is a necessity.
"Without war, this military organization would lose the meaning of its existence. NATO must have a clear goal. If it does not have one, it must create one," writes the Global Times.
Speaking at the non-governmental Heritage Foundation in Washington in January, Stoltenberg said a Russian victory would allow other countries such as North Korea, #Iran and #China to use force. In an interview with Fox News, he then unequivocally emphasized: "Today it is Ukraine, tomorrow it could be Taiwan."
Hans Helffer

#GlobalWar #Russia #US #USA


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