‘Yes, #Ukraine’ … the Middle East paradigm interlinks directly with the Ukraine paradigm where #Russia has succeeded in destroying so much of the western supplied, air-defence capabilities in Ukraine, giving Russia near complete air dominance over the skies.

Positioning scarce air defense ‘to save #Israel’ therefore, exposes Ukraine (and slows the U.S. pivot to #China, too). And given the recent passage of the funding Bill for Ukraine in Congress, clearly air defence assets are a priority for sending to Kiev – where the West looks increasingly trapped and rummaging for a way out that does not lead to humiliation.

But before leaving the Middle East paradigm shift, the implications for Netanyahu are already evident: He must therefore focus back to the ‘near enemy’ – the Palestinian sphere or to Lebanon – to provide Israel with the ‘Great Victory’ that his government craves.

In short, the ‘cost’ for #Biden of saving Israel from the Iranian flotilla which had been pre-announced by #Iran to be demonstrative and not destructive nor lethal is that the White House must put-up with the corollary – an attack on #Rafah. But this implies a different form of cost – an electoral erosion through exacerbating domestic tensions arising from the on-going blatant slaughter of Palestinians.

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