#StephenFry on How to use #AI as a force for good

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZfS8uk70Zc

How can the coming flood of technological progress, which will not stop at current developments such as big data-based and algorithmically generated statistical models with their astonishing capabilities and failures - i.e. current #AI systems - but lead to a further acceleration of innovation with increasing technological performance in computing? Today, we are thinking about an epistemic #crisis of world #knowledge in times of #deepfakes, #surveillance and bioweapons through AI, while brain-computer interfaces and quantum computers are already appearing on the horizon today. At the same time, #climate #change is probably the most outstanding of all crises, which has already been showing its first effects for several years and is setting new records with constantly rising #emissions. In short, how can we ensure that the coming real-life version of what is commonly referred to as "Singularity" turns out for the good of #humanity?

#singularity #future #technology #ethics #moral #humanrights #politics #economy #video #philosophy