Noam Chomsky on Ukraine, US Foreign Policy, etc

Some points made by Chomsky:

  • The US is repeating the Soviet-Afghanistan conflict in Ukraine, trying to "bleed" Russia
  • Russia could have put more effort into diplomacy right before the war
  • The US is not interested in a diplomatic solution
  • A recent Washington Post article about Ukraine showed surprise at the restraint shown by Russia (as compared to the brutality of US/NATO attacks/invasions)
  • The Russian invasion of Ukraine was heavily provoked through NATO expansion but we cannot/won't say this in the west
  • There was no justification for the NATO attack against Serbia
  • "The treat of China" means that they don't take orders from the US
  • The US is acting lika a mafia - Even if countries disagree with the US they often obey out of fear of punishment

Aug 26, 2022

#Chomsky #NoamChomsky #Ukraine #Russia #UnitedStates #NATO #mafia