dandelion* 1.2 released


App release: dandelior
- Added an (rebranded) flavor of dandelion: dandelior
- Only differenties in use are other (black) icon and AMOLED colors by default enabled
- Already available on F-Droid

New features:

- All new Aspects and Tags, using a searchable dialog
- A new home - project blog/page: https://gsantner.net/project/dandelion.html


- Sometimes the Stream went white, which is due an still (>3 years) unfixed Android Support library bug. It should not occur very often anymore due less use of fragments.

- Various small tweaks
- Updated translation files

Tags: #diaspora #android #app #android-dev #DiasporaForAndroid #dfa #diasporaAndroid #diasporawebapp #foss #freie-software #freesoftware #opensource #translation #translator #release #diasporaapp #mobile #dandelior #dandelion

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