An abundance of Gods

This is the second post about a world building project that I am creating in connection with a role playing game. The games are played using the system called GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System) which is rather good for exactly this sort of endeavour as the rules tries to cover the possibility to make the game happen in any sort of setting.

It is also considered a bit complicated, very realistic and simulational (which makes battle less heroic and much more dangerous just like it actually is in the real world) and with a very detailed character creation process.

This new hobby has required a lot of world building, so I have decided to show some of the things that I have made.

In the last post I showed some of the maps I have made, and the next step will be to show some of the Gods that are worshipped in these lands. As it is a world where magic derives from sacrifices of humans, animals and plants these Gods are not very sympathetic to say the least, and the implications of them being Gods at all is a bit complicated for this post so I will mainly name them and show some of the images I have made. I will maybe one day collect it all in a book, but until then this is what you'll get about the Gods.


Norn in his machine.

So... on the large Isle of Amadeff there has for three hundred years existed a monotheon, a system of only one God. This God is called Norn, and he was once a man. Now he resides in a magic machine driven on human sacrifice and from there he return to some sort of life every five days. The machine is still embedded in the same house where it was originally set up, now know as Norn's House.

Surrounding him is the grave machines of his 11 followers, who now live in machines constructed after the same principles as the machine of Norn, but actually working, keeping them in a living state. A sort demi-Gods and the true rulers of Amadeff.

The 11 of Norn, Not really dead, not really living, so more like a Politburo of zombies.

Before Norn a pantheon of sea like creatures ruled the lands. Norn was actually a priest of these Gods until he discovered the magic technology that helped his followers avoid the horrors of the realm of the dead. These Gods were overthrown in a war waged by the eleven disciples of Norn, and the worship and sacrifice in their honour is now deemed heretic.

Here is the main God, Nuln in a couple of incarnations.

Nuln depicted with the Nuln-child in front of him. the latter is part of some of the sinister rituals connected with this God.


Nuln is always depicted with three eyes and often with tentacles.

Of other Gods in Nuln's pantheon can be mentioned, Zorg, a crab God, Enema A mermaid like Goddess of fertility (yea, just change the pronunciation and think of something else),


The crab God Zorg or Tzorg - notice the magic circle of 13 next to him. Nuln and his pantheon is all about 13.

And this is only some of the Gods that are invoked in Amadeff, not to mention what is happening on the main land. I have been going amokko creating Gods. You will get some of them here in arbitrary order.


Serto, the most important God on the mainland... or rather he was. Just like Nuln he got overturned by some priest that had figured out som magical technology. Just like in our world monotheons take over pantheons.

amulet of gunthor_700.jpg

Amulet of Gunthor, the God that overthrew Serto's pantheon. As you can see he is depicted with some of Serto's bird form characteristics, probably to make the transition from one Gods to the other easier to the believers.


Shiirik, Female warrior Goddesses of the North. Acording to legend she killed a giant magical insect called a Shiirik to protect her siblings, and after dying from the magical schock she rose in the netherworld as a warrior God with the head of that beast.

That must be it for now. Did any of this make sense? Probably not. I will see if I can find time to show some more details from this imaginary world.

#rpg #ttrpg #penandpaper #GURPS #map #maps #imaginary #world #worldbuilding