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Post und DHL wechseln von Google Maps zu Openstreetmap

Die Deutsche #Post und auch #DHL nutzen #Google #Maps nicht mehr länger bei der #Paketverfolgung. Stattdessen setzen sie auf #Kartenmaterial von #Openstreetmap.

Natürlich nur wegen des Geldes und nicht weil die Post plötzlich Open Source für sich entdeckt hat. Bleibt zu hoffen daß sich das ändert und sie hilft, das Kartenmaterial zu verbessern.



avatar @Tina - original post

  1. Carte du parc naturel régional du Vercors. Limites, topographie, hydrographie, et toponymie du parc. Donénes IGN (RGE Alti et BD Topo).
  2. Topographie, glaciers et fleuves lors du dernier maximum glaciaire, il y a 20 000 ans. La France et les pays voisins. La reconstitution des rivières est issue d'une approximation. Projection Lambert 93, données GEBCO.

Voir un peu plus des magnifiques cartes de Perrin Remonté ?... C'est ici.

(également auteur de magnifiques photos). (un blog à éplucher de fond en comble).

#Art #géographie #cartographie #photographie #cartes

#map #maps #nature #cartography #geography



Keith D Johnson - 2024-01-27 23:17:03 GMT

A friend of mine, Ben Missimer, makes #maps (& animated maps) to help others design their land for ecological resilience; basic contour maps, #hydrology, #forest cover, #wetlands, drainage, erosion, slope, #solar aspect, satellite images, & more (also all in large hi-rez, some suitable for framing & hanging on your walls).
He's okayed sharing these exemplary files. #permaculture #design https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qeb6nfvakmk81q1/AABw5yg-uSjwqHRWml8mOoG7a?dl=0If you need reasonably priced mapwork for your projects Ben's website is https://www.pearlriverecodesign.com/
Watershed elevation map rendered in a rainbow spectrum of colors from blue (lowland, wetland, drainage stream pattern; valleys) to red (upland, ridges watershed dividing lines, overlayed with lines on 1 ft contour intervals (yes, he also can do metric).


The History of Cartography, the "Most Ambitious Overview of Map Making Ever," Is Free Online | Open Culture

FYI: The Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go Press has made avail­able online — at no cost –five vol­umes of The His­to­ry of Car­tog­ra­phy. Or what Edward Roth­stein, of The New York Times, called “the most ambi­tious overview of map mak­ing ever under­tak­en.” He con­tin­ues:

Peo­ple come to know the world the way they come to map it—through their per­cep­tions of how its ele­ments are con­nect­ed and of how they should move among them. This is pre­cise­ly what the series is attempt­ing by sit­u­at­ing the map at the heart of cul­tur­al life and reveal­ing its rela­tion­ship to soci­ety, sci­ence, and reli­gion…. It is try­ing to define a new set of rela­tion­ships between maps and the phys­i­cal world that involve more than geo­met­ric cor­re­spon­dence. It is in essence a new map of human attempts to chart the world.

