Even the ultra conservative evening newspaper Keyhan is talking about global boiling

The heat wave that hit most of the world in the past few weeks had some devastating consequences in Iran. With over 30 verified deaths as results of the extreme temperatures in different cities, business, shops and government buildings were shot down between 10am and 4pm to minimize the risk of people getting hurt.

With temperatures up to 52°C in Kuzestan province and dust/sand storms in Baluchestan, people felt a taste of the horror that is going to be the daily realities in the near future.

Sadly, the conservatives in Europe and US still deny the realities of the climate change and it's devastating consequences for all lives on earth.

#Iran $Heatwave #WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment

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