Colonel Douglas Macgregor on the state of the war in Ukraine

Douglas Macgregor is interviewed by Glenn Deisen and talks about the military situation in Ukraine and the political situation surrounding the war. Date: 2023-06-02

Key points from Douglas Macgregor:
* The west has shown no interest in a #diplomatic settlement
* The Russian objectives are to either ...
* ... create a diplomatic solution (where their security concerns are respected)
* ... or to destroy the Ukrainian army
* and the actions taken by the Russian military reflects these objectives
* The Russian #security concerns are reasonable
* The capabilities of the Russian military are higher now than they were when the war started
* If the west continues to show no interest in #diplomacy Russia will eventually go into the west of Ukraine

To be clear: The points above is what i took from what Douglas Macgregor said. I don't necessarily agree with this myself

#DouglasMacgregor #GlennDiesen #Ukraine #Russia #UnitedStates #politics #geopolitics