Wow... On the continuing quest to stifle information, debate, and fairness...

#GQP goal # 1 - Rigging local voting laws to exclude Dems; Denying access to ballots and punishing people (GA) who offer food/water to people subjected to long lines..

Goal #2 - Controlling the counting and certification process, to ensure the result they want, whatever the actual votes say.

And now: In the ongoing crusade to control (dis) information and limit access to fairness or facts... What?!

R.N.C. Signals a Pullout From Presidential Debates

The Republican National Committee says it will require candidates to pledge to not participate in debates run by the Commission on Presidential Debates. What would replace them, if anything, was unclear.

#TrumpVirus #debate #corruption #disinformation #propaganda #MakeAmericaSaneAgain