As global warming hitting Iran and other countries in the region, life is becoming harder and unbearable for every day that goes for the people who live there.

#Draught, forest fires, massive rains followed by flash #floods and in between dust storms and unbearable heat are becoming every day event in #Iran and other west Asian nations.

1000s of villages have already abandoned by people who lost their livelihood as rivers dry out and so does the water wells.

Dust storms are not unfamiliar in southern regions of the country, but these days even city of Karaj north west of Tehran has tuned into a scene from old western movies.

The dust carrying deadly traces of pollution and poisonous leftovers of decades of unregulated dumping of dangerous chemicals are making the life even harder, followed by various types of sickness and even death.

This is the image of future Iran as one of the biggest victims of the climate change and global warming.

Sadly, neither the government, nor the majority of the population are willing or able to make any changes to limit these ticking bomb that is going to create an unimaginable catastrophe, with 10s of millions of desperate people who have no where to go.
#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment #GlobalBoiling #PointOfNoReturn


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