Senator Lindsay Graham: "We are in a religious war, and I am with Israel. Do whatever it takes. Level the place."

Every sack of shit criminal wannabe is trying to scream louder and make more outrageous call for extermination of all Muslims (since he refers to religious war. Not Palestinians). And no one seems to care to condemn it.

This is far worse than post 9/11 because #Bush only once referred to it as a crusade but was silenced quickly to hide his actual thoughts and redirect it instead on what he later called Axis of Evil.

Be ready for the next phase of the conflict spilling into #Lebanon, @Syria and ultimately the 40 years in vaiting goal of Israel and American war mongers, #Iran.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

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