

Antiwar movement in US wasn't about Americans foreign policy or caring for millions of dead vietnamese. It was ONLY about Americans dying abroad.

People act like the antiwar movement in the 70s was a progressive and anti imperialist movement.

But only a small fraction of the movement were truly antiwar and against criminal actions of the US.

Just like the Antiwar movement during and after Iraq invasion that almost completely died when Obama became president, the Antiwar actions were all part of the ridiculous, stupid and disgusting 2 party politics of the country and those who were loud under Bush and Trump, turned into war mongering supporters of Obama and Biden policies.

It's really sad to see people not having any moral grounds and their compass changes after who the freaking president is.

I'm sorry I'm ranting, but I just so disgusted by silence and compliance of the majority of the liberal and "centrists" people in almost all western countries.

#Antiwar #Politics #Iraq #Syria #Obama #Bush #Trump #Biden


Os quatro cavaleiros da III Guerra. Por Chris Hedges

#Biden sempre foi um ardente #militarista – ele estava clamando por uma #guerra com o Iraque cinco anos antes da invasão dos EUA. Ele construiu sua carreira política respondendo ao #asco da classe média branca pelos movimentos populares, incluindo os movimentos anti-guerra e pelos #direitos civis, que convulsionaram o país nas décadas de 1960 e 1970. É um #republicano #disfarçado de #democrata. Ele se juntou aos #segregacionistas do sul para se opor à entrada de estudantes #negros em escolas exclusivas para #brancos. Ele se opôs ao financiamento federal de abortos e apoiou uma #emenda constitucional que permite aos estados #restringir o #aborto. Ele atacou o presidente George H. W. #Bush em 1989 por ser demasiado #brando na “guerra às #drogas”. Ele foi um dos arquitetos do Projeto de #lei #criminal de 1994 e um uma série de outras leis draconianas que mais do que duplicaram a população carcerária dos EUA, militarizaram a #polícia e levaram à aprovação de leis sobre drogas que levaram as pessoas à #prisão #perpétua sem liberdade condicional. Ele apoiou o Acordo de Livre Comércio da América do Norte, a maior traição da classe operária desde a Lei Taft-Hartley de 1947 [que #restringiu a #atividade #sindical no país como uma reação de um Congresso conservador a uma onda de #greves após a Segunda Guerra Mundial]. Ele sempre foi um estridente #defensor de #Israel, e se gabava de ter obtido mais #arrecadação de fundos para o Comitê Americano de Assuntos Públicos de Israel ( #AIPAC ) do que qualquer outro senador.

#Guerra #ChrisHedges #EUA #USA


#Nixon conspired with South Vietnam to stop peace talks, win 1968 election.

#Reagan conspired with Iran to keep hostages, win 1980 election.

#Bush lost in 2000, engaged in Trump-like election-stealing efforts including a riot. Republican Supreme Court appointed him president.

#Trump conspired with Russia in 2016, attempted a coup...


02.12.2023 Mitten in Europa in den Rücken geschossen

Auch innereuropäische Grenzen sind gefährlich

Irgendein Schauspielertalent hat als US Präsident am Brandenburger Tor gerufen: "Mr. Gorbatschow tear down this wall" und der hat das getan. Nun bauen die EU Staaten rund um die EU neue Grenzzäune und Todesstreifen auf. Die Reise in die EU ist dort durchaus wieder tödlich.

Sogar zwischen einzelnen EU Staaten entstehen Grenzzäune bei deren unerlaubtem Übertritt von der Schusswaffe Gebrauch gemacht wird. Pro Asyl berichtet über den Fall von Farouk Ansari.

"Wir waren schließlich in Europa ... Sie haben aber die ganze Zeit auf uns geschossen."

Kroatien, November 2019: Eine Gruppe von Flüchtlingen befindet sich zu Fuß auf dem Weg Richtung Slowenien. Die Schutzsuchenden haben fast die Grenze erreicht, als sie plötzlich kroatischen Militärs begegnen. Ohne Warnung eröffnen die Soldaten das Feuer. Farouk Ansari": „Eigentlich sollten wir uns doch sicher fühlen. Wir waren schließlich in Europa. Sie haben aber die ganze Zeit auf uns geschossen." Eine Kugel trifft Farouk in den Rücken. Seitdem ist der heute 25jährige Afghane querschnittsgelähmt.

Farouk kommt ins Krankenhaus. Was ihm widerfahren ist, kann er nicht fassen. In Afghanistan hatte er in der Armee gegen die Taliban gekämpft, bis er fliehen musste. Über den Iran, die Türkei, Griechenland, Serbien, und Bosnien bis nach Kroatien hat er weite Strecken zu Fuß zurückgelegt. Und nun spürt er seine Beine nicht mehr.

Monate später bringt man den schwer behinderten jungen Mann in ein abgelegenes Heim, wo jede Pflege oder medizinische Hilfe fehlt. Irgendwann erträgt Farouk die Situation nicht länger - in seinem Rollstuhl verlässt er das Heim und flieht weiter. Sein Vater schickt Geld und es gelingt ihm, aus Kroatien herauszukommen. Im April 2021 erreicht er mithilfe von Freunden Deutschland. Er erinnert sich an seine Ankunft: „Sie sagten, dass ich nicht aussehe wie ein Mensch".

Das Schicksal Farouks zeigt, auf welch unsägliche Gewalt Flüchtlinge an EU-Grenzen immer wieder treffen. Diese Gewalt muss endlich aufhören! Alle Menschen, und das bedeutet auch alle Menschen, die auf der Flucht sind, haben das Recht auf Unversehrtheit und Leben.

Farouk, dessen Zukunft so brutal zerstört wurde, hat hier bis heute keinen Schutz. Sein Asylantrag wurde vom Bundesamt abgelehnt. Obwohl er in Kroatien so schwer verletzt wurde und anschließend kaum Hilfe fand, soll er dorthin zurück.

PRO ASYL steht Farouk zur Seite:

  • Wir begleiten seine Klage gegen die Abschiebung nach Kroatien, vor der er große Angst hat.
  • Wir unterstützen auch seine Klage in Kroatien, das für die Gewalttat die Verantwortung übernehmen muss. Wenn es nötig ist, bringen wir den Fall vor den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte.

Pro Asyl , November 2023

Wir möchten nur noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass Kroatien seit 2013 Mitglied der EU ist und Slowenien sogar noch länger. Wann darf ein Grenzübertritt innerhalb der EU mit Waffengewalt unterbunden werden? Solche Verbrechen gehören gesühnt. Wie kann ein "Bundesamt" einen Menschen dorthin zurückschicken, wo er fast erschossen worden wäre?

Mehr dazu bei https://proasyl.de
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3xD
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8606-20231202-mitten-in-europa-in-den-ruecken-geschossen.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8606-20231202-mitten-in-europa-in-den-ruecken-geschossen.html
Tags: #Kroatien #Slowenien #Farouk #Bush #Gorbatschow #Asyl #Flucht #Folter #Abschiebung #Migration #Frontex #Fluggastdatenbank #EuroDAC #Europol #Schengen #VisaWaiver #Verfolgung


#Bush, #Chirac und die #Irak - #Lüge

Artikel: https://monde-diplomatique.de/artikel/!5930995
Audio: https://dl.monde-diplomatique.de/data/mp3/LMd/content/2023/2023-05-11/Media.1218832.mp3

Außenministerin Madeleine #Albright verkündet: „Wenn wir #Gewalt anwenden müssen, dann weil wir #Amerika sind; wir sind die unverzichtbare Nation. Wir sind uns dessen bewusst und sehen weiter in die #Zukunft als andere Staaten.“

Bei dem ganzen Geschrei, dass #Putin wegen #Kriegsverbrechen vor den internationalen #Gerichtshof muss frage ich mich immer, ob denn überhaupt die grundlegendsten Demokratieprinzipien verstanden wurden, wie #Gleichheit vor dem #Gesetz. Bitte versteht mich nicht falsch. Jedes Kriegsverbrechen sollte bestraft werden und ich finde nicht, dass militärische Großmächte jedweder Art über dem Völkerrecht stehen. Wenn aber immer nur serbische und afrikanische Kriegsverbrecher verurteilt werden, dann verurteilen die großen Kriegsverbrecher die Anderen.

#Geschichte #Menschenrechte #Krieg #Terror #Gericht #Völkerrecht #Freiheit #Demokratie #Problem


Senator Lindsay Graham: "We are in a religious war, and I am with Israel. Do whatever it takes. Level the place."

Every sack of shit criminal wannabe is trying to scream louder and make more outrageous call for extermination of all Muslims (since he refers to religious war. Not Palestinians). And no one seems to care to condemn it.

This is far worse than post 9/11 because #Bush only once referred to it as a crusade but was silenced quickly to hide his actual thoughts and redirect it instead on what he later called Axis of Evil.

Be ready for the next phase of the conflict spilling into #Lebanon, @Syria and ultimately the 40 years in vaiting goal of Israel and American war mongers, #Iran.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#History: #President #Bush Vomited On Their #PrimeMinister On Live TV – Now The Japanese Have A Word For It

source: https://allthatsinteresting.com/bushusuru

The Japanese immediately found themselves with a comical new #slang term, #bushusuru which literally means “to do a Bush.” By the end of the month, people were using the term on nights out to warn their friends of piles of vomit in the street as a joke about the U.S. president.

#USA #diplomacy #Japan #politics #fail #problem #TV #health #omg #wtf


The #START-1 treaty expired in 2009, and SORT in 2012. The #Bush administration proved unwilling to commit the United States to a new comprehensive arms control agreement, so the burden fell on the administration of President Barack #Obama to negotiate a follow-on arms control treaty with #Russia. The result was the #New-START treaty, which was signed in 2010.

The Russians had initially refused to finalize any strategic arms reduction treaty unless the US was willing to incorporate limitations on ballistic missile defense (BMD). The Obama administration assured the Russians that they would engage on #BMD in good faith, but that any such agreement would have to be separate from a nuclear arms reduction treaty if it were to be ratified by the US Senate. Russia agreed to de-link the two issues, only to be told by the US after New START entered into force that there could be no agreement on BMD.

Russia has likewise accused the US of negotiating in bad faith regarding decommissioning rules for B-52 bombers and Trident missile launch tubes; Russia wanted these systems to be permanently disabled, which met the intent of the treaty as negotiated, while the US implemented procedures which allow for the rapid activation of the decommissioned systems.

  1. BMD has always been outside the scope of AMB. If Russia feared BMD, they had years to bilaterally reel in Iran, tamping down their hostile rhetoric. Russia made little effort to squelch their ally, Iran, into a cooperative partner in global peace. In hindsight, BMD was warranted given Iran’s activities juxtaposed with the current global security landscape.

  2. Lastly, Mr. Ritter’s essay claims New Start expires in 2026, suggesting he’s unaware #Putin withdrew from the treaty in Feb 2023. Putin’s rationale? One simple issue: Western support for #Ukraine. True to form, Putin linked their hissy-fit-du-jour to an Arms Control Treaty. As for Scott’s handful of contentions with New Start? Putin raised none. Clearly to Putin, they weren’t the harbinger of treaty destruction Scott suggests.

Treaties are only as strong as the paper they are written on, which can simply be ripped or tossed in a wastebin. Nations that skirt, cheat, inhibit, or ignore their agreements, exacerbate instability and frustrate those that play by the rules.



Americans are living a failed national narrative. Our almost universal belief in our exceptional status as a providentially #chosen-people” suspends us in a beguiling myth beyond the reality of history. On September 11, 2001, we reacted with an almost child-like innocence. President George #Bush soared in the polls when he doubled down on the familiar troupe that America has the ability to remake the world in our own image through the force of arms. Rather than summon imagination, wisdom and courage to offer an alternative, Democratic presidential hopefuls fell over themselves to support Bush in invading a country that had nothing to do with #9/11.
Patrick Lawrence

#force vs #wisdom


It's a hot late #spring day and I was sitting the conservatory as #birds were flitting around the back #garden. Here's a verdant scene of the #flowering #potato #plants I took while waiting with a #telephoto lens for any #sparrows to show up.
Potato plants

One #HouseSparrow did visit the #birdfeeder and I got this nice profile. It almost looks like it's holding a pose for me.
Sparrow on bird feeder

Seconds later, it flew right up to within 3-4 m under the shade of a #rose #bush no doubt looking for aphids and I caught this rather contrasting, scary image of the same #bird as it might look to one of its tiny victims.
Close up of sparrow under a rose bush

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring #Horticulture


Beyond his political career and tenure as the 43rd President of the United States, George W. #Bush had remarkable and diverse experiences throughout his life. A lesser-known aspect of his journey lies in his involvement as a cheerleader, both in high school and at Yale University ... #weird https://wakonda666.blogspot.com/2023/05/george-w-bush-from-high-school.html


(now 20 years ago) Ten years ago, a major American magazine published a bombshell report about the non-existence of Iraq’s WMDs. But it was hardly noticed by a corporate press corps too busy hyping the threat from those non-existent weapons.

The story appeared in the March 3, 2003, issue of #Newsweek–a short piece with the headline “The Defector’s Secrets.” It almost seemed as if the magazine didn’t know what it had on its hands. Or perhaps it did.

Inspectors were told “that after the Gulf War, #Iraq destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons stocks and the missiles to deliver them,” Barry wrote. All that remained were “hidden blueprints, computer disks, microfiches” and production molds. The weapons were destroyed secretly, in order to hide their existence from inspectors, in the hopes of someday resuming production after inspections had finished. The #CIA and MI6 were told the same story, Barry reported, and “a military aide who defected with Kamel… backed Kamel’s assertions about the destruction of #WMD stocks.”
#IraqInvasion #Politics #20yearsOfShame #NeverForget #Bush #Blair #CollinPowel #WarCrime #CrimeAgainstHumanity



Aside from #Bush & #Cheney who is at fault for the disastrous #Iraq War? Check out this rogue gallery of war hawks.

It wasn't a war, it was an illegal invasion that is still ongoing.

Much has been said about the Iraq war and its failures over the last 20 years, including the roles of key decision makers like President Bush and Vice President Cheney. But what is perhaps not as well known is just how many people were involved in making it a reality. From White House staffers and senior officials, to allied think tank “experts” and prominent media figures, the Iraq war had many, many authors.

We asked nearly two dozen experts, journalists, former government officials, and others, which individual — outside of Bush or Cheney — was the underrated architect and promoter of the war in Iraq, and why. It’s important that we understand just how this country could end up on such a disastrous course by chronicling the widespread enthusiasm for in Washington and beyond.

#Politics #History #WarCrime #WMD #WMDlies #Politicd #Biden #Blair #Berlusconi



The United States invaded Iraq 20 years ago. The rationale for the war was a lie, and the consequences remain to this day.

The killing continues, two decades on. In February alone, at least 52 civilians died in Iraq in shootings, bombings, or other attacks. The violence is an echo of the war in Iraq, which the United States launched in the overnight hours of March 19-20, 2003.

Iraq could do little against a "shock and awe" campaign carried out by a US-led "coalition of the willing" that included the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland.

Within three weeks, Saddam Hussein and his brutal dictatorship were gone. Three weeks thereafter, on May 1, a triumphant President George W. Bush announced "mission accomplished" from the deck of the aircraft carrier, USS Abraham Lincoln.
#iraq #20yearsofshame #us #bush #politics #neverforget



20 years ago, US started the illegal invasion of Iraq, based on lies and manufacture "proof", a crime against humanity that went unpunished.

The architects of the invasion, the ones who lied again and again and those who committed war crime in the 2 decades long invasion of Iraq are all free. Except for a few "bad apples" some who received the presidential pardon from Trump. They all living their happy lives.

The got rich, either during the war, or after it when they wrote books, received 100s of thousands of dollars for speech and interviews justifying their actions or play dumb or forgetful.

The same people are now calling for prosecution of Putin and his criminal foot soldiers for the invasion of Ukraine.

#Politics #Iraq #IraqInvasion #NeverForget #20yearsofShame #Bush #Blair #WarCrime #History