Post-debate analysis -
First, an overview for anyone who didn't see it, or the highlights now recycling:
Trump-Harris debate highlights: Trump falls apart as he lies and rambles over ‘eating pets’ and Harris’s race
Immediately thereafter, the media & political analysts were abuzz about both the "historically" informative debate.
And several top late-night television shows went on-air live, including Jimmy Kimmel (ABC) & Steven Colbert (CBS).
Kimmel had a wonderful little video collage of Drumpf’s “I know more about…” brags, compiled. Just… perfect. Like #DonOld
He was then joined by 87-yr-old Jane Fonda, sharp and lively, stressing the importance of environment and the power of voting.
Lastly, the man who married the manager of #TrumpVirus & has since been singing the song of #malignant #sociopath #truth ...
George Conway. No longer married to Kellyanne or #GQP, now leads an anti-Trump, pro #democracy #PsychoPAC
Kimmel also had a wonderful little video collage of Drumpf’s greatest hits of terrific-ness and brags ("perfect, really!") - reminiscent of an iconic Doonesbury cartoon ~ “I know more about… x, y, z, and letters nobody's ever even heard of!” Ask anybody...
Lots of laughs, relief, and "stranger than truth" sound bites - one candidate seeming to have walked on set from a different show, maybe a freak show rather than a debate between Presidential candidates, one with a plan, the other a basket of #psychopathology.
Some have commented how Kamala seemed like a wise parent enduring the protests of a 6-year-old. (Or terrible twos!)
Truly, the split-screen was instructive. Especially when the topics of #facts or #respect came up. Sir smirked &/or made goofy faces.
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