

"„Der ideale Untertan der totalitären Herrschaft ist nicht der überzeugte Nazi oder der engagierte Kommunist, sondern Menschen, für die die Unterscheidung zwischen Fakt und Fiktion, wahr und falsch, nicht (mehr) existiert.“ - Hannah Arendt

""Le sujet idéal du pouvoir totalitaire n'est pas le nazi convaincu ou le communiste engagé, mais des personnes pour qui la distinction entre le fait et la fiction, le vrai et le faux, n'existe pas (ou plus)". - Hannah Arendt

"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the committed communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists." - Hannah Arendt

#politics #society #socialinteraction #democracy #dictatorship #facts #fiction
#Politique #Société #socialensemble #Démocratie #Dictature #Faits #Bruit
#Politik #Gesellschaft #sozialesmiteinander #Demokratie #Diktatur #Fakten #Geschwurbel


Soon, the fighting between Ukraine and Russia will complete its third year. With the attitude of fighting to the last man, it becomes obvious that

Ukraine never had a chance to win a contest with Russia. The correlation of forces where never in favor of Ukraine. It had neither the men, money or industry to win the war. Nor did the West ever intended to provide those. The U.S. aim was and is to weaken Russia, not to defeat it. That would be too dangerous (think nukes).

As UWDude remarked in a recent comment (edited):

Again, at the outset, Russia vs Ukraine, a whole bunch of bullshit was spewed about how weak Russia was to build a case for Ukraine having a chance, when every casual observer could see Russia would win. Like watching a bear tangle with a doe, and people saying bears are not that powerful and a doe’s kick could kill a bear if in the right place.

Ukraine having a chance was just people lying to themselves, when the truth was evident from the start.

At least some of the profession propagandists are smart enough to recognize that the fairytales they write are just that and have nothing to do with reality. Other propagandists, often politicians, are falling for their own narrative. They once did believe that Ukraine was winning. They once did believe that the war was at a stalemate. They will now come to believe that Ukraine is losing the war.

Let’s hope that they will derive the correct consequences from it.

(Make peace you fools!)

I would like to see peace preferred to victory, but I fear that the recent delivery of more weapons was to bolster the election result for those who supported the fighting. I am curious to see how the support for Ukraine will continue.
#facts? #Ukraine #election-boost-plan?


Post-debate analysis -

First, an overview for anyone who didn't see it, or the highlights now recycling:

Trump-Harris debate highlights: Trump falls apart as he lies and rambles over ‘eating pets’ and Harris’s race

Immediately thereafter, the media & political analysts were abuzz about both the "historically" informative debate.
And several top late-night television shows went on-air live, including Jimmy Kimmel (ABC) & Steven Colbert (CBS).

Kimmel had a wonderful little video collage of Drumpf’s “I know more about…” brags, compiled. Just… perfect. Like #DonOld
He was then joined by 87-yr-old Jane Fonda, sharp and lively, stressing the importance of environment and the power of voting.
Lastly, the man who married the manager of #TrumpVirus & has since been singing the song of #malignant #sociopath #truth ...
George Conway. No longer married to Kellyanne or #GQP, now leads an anti-Trump, pro #democracy #PsychoPAC

Kimmel also had a wonderful little video collage of Drumpf’s greatest hits of terrific-ness and brags ("perfect, really!") - reminiscent of an iconic Doonesbury cartoon ~ “I know more about… x, y, z, and letters nobody's ever even heard of!” Ask anybody...

Superlative DonOld

Lots of laughs, relief, and "stranger than truth" sound bites - one candidate seeming to have walked on set from a different show, maybe a freak show rather than a debate between Presidential candidates, one with a plan, the other a basket of #psychopathology.

Some have commented how Kamala seemed like a wise parent enduring the protests of a 6-year-old. (Or terrible twos!)
Truly, the split-screen was instructive. Especially when the topics of #facts or #respect came up. Sir smirked &/or made goofy faces.


#Media watching today… on the election/campaign narrative

Interesting story beyond the screaming and spinning:

New Trump-Influenced GOP Platform Tees Up Convention Conflict Over Abortion, Gun Rights, Gay Marriage

Vice President Pence is the most prominent Republican to express dissatisfaction with the new proposed Republican platform.

I was curious about the rep/cred of the New York Sun (founded 2002), which has been sending me (unsolicited) daily ‘news’ dispatches of late. My impression has been (1) nice; free, no paywall (2) generally leaning towards fact (3) seemingly hewing right across the narrative. Seems I was close, according to mediabiasfactcheck.org

Today’s email headlined “‘Sad and Frustrated’ House Democrats in Disarray After Meeting on Biden’s Candidacy Fails To Reach Consensus” … Okay, there’s a basis for this, though IMM reflecting reinforcement of a meme/narrative. But not “news” for me.
This, however was/is interesting to me, found on their main page when I followed their email link. OK, will endure them for now.

Hm, wonder what VP J.D. Vance of the Trump/Vance ticket thinks? (Guessing #TrumpVirus likes the ‘optics’ of “Trump/Vance”)
I could be wrong though, as “Trump/Greene” has a certain ring (a ding ding) to it.

#truth #election #GQP #platform #Project2025 #issues #rights #democracy #news #bias #facts #journalism


#Facts about #slavery never mentioned in #school | #ThomasSowell


Thomas Sowell is an #American #economist and #political #commentator. He taught economics at #Cornell #University, the University of #California, #LosAngeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at #Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
This channel helps to promote his teachings and principles of #economics and #philosophy.

#histoire #esclavage


Small minority of people who know the truth makes no difference whatsoever in public opinion, and they will continue to know anyway because this is what normal people do.
Slightly altered from another challenging statement below:

Russia must repatriate remains of Red Army soldiers buried anywhere in Europe, especially Germany, and remove the monument in Treptower Park and bring it back to Russia. The generation of Western Allies who fought heroically in WW II is pretty much gone now and there is no need in trying to convince the West about who and how defeated Nazism.

Small minority of Europeans who know the truth makes no difference whatsoever in public opinion and they will continue to know anyway because this is what normal people do. The rest, who cares–it is over for the West anyway and the trajectory to oblivion is well defined.

#facts, vs the #believe in the #truth of my #opinion
Anyway, how can we say it is a fact?
Carl L. Becker, 1931: Everyman His Own Historian.


Truth is a stranger to the fiction Dept. A photo that set in motion a lot of problems for the couple. Johnny Cash was married to an African American woman in the 1950s.
They would say she was Italian ( which in itself could mean she has African blood, but suspected it was more than just that ) but the Klan down south gave them the side eye protesting him and his shows.
"That was a perilous time to be an interracial couple, so give props to them both."
Turns out the ” man in black “ was a true rebel and lived life on his terms, with respect! She ended up bowing out of the marriage ( after ten years and children, Roseanne Cash being one ), as the stress of it got to be too much for her. Even now in the movies, they don’t portray her as she was… #facts #truestory


#AI - based #disinformation is probably not a major #threat to #democracy

source: https://www.conspicuouscognition.com/p/ai-based-disinformation-is-probably

Second, to succeed in such markets, content producers must achieve a good reputation (in the eyes of their target audience). One of many things that makes this really hard is that it is strongly in the interests of your competitors to destroy your reputation. In addition to legal accountability for lies and fabrications, this is one thing that keeps lots of media honest, at least when it comes to reporting on narrow matters of fact.

#media #news #politics #fake #facts #conspiracy #future #technology #press #journalism #problem #fakeNews


The problem, however, is that the proponents of #Russophobia operate in a fact-free environment, where ideological hatred has replaced informed judgment, where actual knowledge about #Russia has been supplanted with fantasy-laced #fiction. They fear Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir #Putin because, through this interview, ideas, #narratives, and #facts that have been ignored or suppressed by the political and media elites will be set forth in unfiltered fashion for the American public to consider free of the influence of those who seek to manipulate the population through narrative manipulation.



A quotation from Gaiman, Neil

Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.

Neil Gaiman (b. 1960) British fabulist
Sandman, Book 3. Dream Country, # 19 “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” [Dream] (1990)

#quote #quotes #quotation #dreams #facts #myths #stories #tales #truths
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/gaiman-neil/9313/

Panels from Sandman <a class=#19" title="Panels from Sandman #19">