The #hubris of Western foreign #policy

The Western #system won the #ColdWar and this gave rise to a certain sense of superiority among the victors that this system will now prevail #worldwide. Instead of democracies, however, autocracies have prevailed. #Capitalism also works quite well in #China. When it comes to condemning the Russian war of aggression, important states prefer to remain neutral. Bitterly poor Africans can see the Western lifestyle in advertising and would like to live it, but this does not necessarily have to be in a #democracy for them. A democracy brings people like Trump to power and there are irreconcilable differences on important issues such as climate change. It doesn't matter whether you believe in climate change - nature conservation should be a worthwhile goal for everyone. Ultimately, it's not about #climate change, but about the society we want to live in. The desire to at least live in a peaceful world after the Second World #War has not been fulfilled. #Humanity has also failed to distribute #wealth fairly, which is the reason for many of today's conflicts. We are heading towards a new very dark age and we cannot prevent it because we have created an economic system that rewards short-term profits at the expense of the #environment. Since we don't begrudge these profits to others, we can only join in and destroy our own habitat, democracy and #future.

#earth #politics #humanRight #conflict #problem